"You look adorable Yuzu-kun!" I say kissing his cheek lightly 

"I'm not the adorable one here Charlie-chan!" he says kissing my cheek back 

"YOU GUYS ARE BOTH ADORABLE, I LOVE IT!" Javi squeals like a school girl, walking past us

"Thanks Javi, we love you too!" I say as I pull him into a hug, Yuzu following my lead

Suddenly I feel a fourth person join in the hug

"Guys, I know there's so much love in our little family, but the men's competition is about to start in..hmmm," Coach says sarcastically checking his watch, "...mmm 10 minutes. So get to work guys!" 

"Good luck out there guys!" I call as the boys are being escorted to the men's group line up

"Land that quad for me, ok?" I tell Yuzu before giving him a light kiss on the lips 

"Ok" he replies giving me an award winning smile

"Alright Yuzu come on before I explode from cuteness" Javi says pulling him along 

I watch as the boys leave my peripheral vision, lining up with the rest of the men's group for the short

"You'll be ok to practice on your own, Charlie?" Coach asks with a hand on my back 

"I'll be alright Coach" I tell him truly 

With a nod of his head he then leaves too, going to the Coach the boys while they warm up 

"Hey Charlie!" a familiar voice says

I turn around and oh look who it is


"Hey" I say back pulling a smile on my face

"So, I just wanted to wish you good luck before the short! I know you'll do great, I mean you do have two golds on you already" she says

"Oh, thanks! Good luck to you" I say 

I watch as she skips away, probably to find her coach 

I go back to practicing myself. I run over some jumps and stretch my legs some more to prepare myself for my Biellmann 


The men's event had just finished and both of the boys did amazing, I must say. Yuzu sits in first place with a season's best of 103.89 while Javi is sitting second with 99.78 points on him 

I just got off the ice from warm up and I'm feeling pretty confident about my short program. All my elements were smooth and the triple lutz combo was clean for once

"Charlie-chan, Javi and I will be watching in the stands ok? Do your best as always, alright?" He tells me kissing the top of my head

 "Have fun out there chicken, I know you got another gold on you" Javi says sticking his hand out for a fist bump, which I bump back 

The boys leave the back stage as the first skater, Karen Chen, takes the ice. I skate third in this event so I gotta get my mind set in the right place. To be honest, I've never skated this early before

"Do whatever last minute training you need to Charlie. You'll be up soon" Coach says, putting his attention on me this time

To burn time, I run some grape vines up and down the length of the back stage making sure my body is warm when I skate

Have confidence Charlie

Believe in yourself

Believe in the impossible 

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now