Anse backed off hesitantly, and held a stony gaze over everyone. "I wish you would Judge, please explain to your Kin that, how some ever you all may feel. A-and I know that's awful bad, but these boys are due a Kentucky trial" the sheriff stammered.

Judge Wall looked at the sheriff steadily.

"Yes but the victim is a citizen of West Virginia, that is the case determinative...that's why West Virginia law prevails" Judge Wall spoke, straining to remain calm as tears unshed blanketed his eyes in a moist cover. "Now you can argue this now or latter you son'bitch..." Judge Wall added carefully pulling out a small black pistol he aimed at the sheriff.

Anse looked over to the sheriff who posted no struggle as He, Jim and Cap rode their horses forward gun's drawn to round up the McCoy boys. "Get to moving Bud" Jim called urging him forward.

"Y-you take this boy's against my great disapproval!" The sheriff called to cover his back but watched as the Hatfield's left with the McCoy sons. "Damn it" he whispered as they vanished into the woods.

Meanwhile, back at Anse's homestead Levicy and Chyna worked together to lift Ellison onto the bed of the master bedroom. He moaned in pain and squirmed about. Levicy put a bucket of hot water on the stove "Chyna remove his shirt and find something to press against the wound!" Levicy called.

Chyna nodded and all but ripped open Ellison's shirt hurriedly but carefully sliding his arms out of it. His coat and shirt already have been drenched in blood were useless. Chyna tossed them to the ground and looked in horror over his cut and bloody body. "He's bleeding everywhere...." She thought as the wind knocked out of her and salty water stung her eyes. "Daddy?" Cotton called resting a hand on his fathers arm as he lay slightly crooked on the bed on his back. It was the best and the only way Chyna and Levicy were able to get Ellison's heavy body in the bed at all.

Chyna hearing Cotton's voice, willed her tears away and took a deep breath, pulling herself together. She looked around for something to press to the gunshot wound. It was the largest and bleeding the most. Looking at her sleeves she quickly untucked her shirt and pulled it over her head, balling it up she pressed it down on the wound.

At the added pain Ellison grunted and his body flinched in a jump. "I know, I know I'm sorry" Chyna said softly patting his arm. "You'll be alright just...just hold on a while" she said to him, her voice soft but determined.

Levicy ran into the room with the bucket of hot water. "It should be as hot as possible...but let it cool so you won't burn your-"

Before Levicy could finish Chyna grabbed the rag that was in the heavily steaming water, hardly blinking as she pulled her red hand out and laid the rag on Ellison's wound. He screamed loudly at the burning and sharp pain. Chyna shut her eyes tight and tried to take even breaths while her head was screaming.

After cleaning the wound, the water had cooled some at which point Levicy worked on cleaning the stab wounds. Cotton looked at Chyna hopelessly and she tried to manage a smile.

"How's he?" Elias called as he entered the room, the Men had finally returned. "Poorly" Levicy said quickly. Chyna held her head down and focused on pressing on the wound which still would not stop bleeding. "Gotta get the bullet out" Levicy added. "Were's Doctor Rutherfurd?" Levicy asked. "Anse sent for him" Elias said. Levicy nodded and looked over Ellison shaking her head.

"Hey! Whats that girl a doin in here!" Jim called out loudly as he entered in. Chyna stood up but kept both hands on the press cloth. "She's helping me" Levicy said near barking. "The hell she is, get out of my nephew's house! And dress your self!" Jim shouted. "B-but my shirt is-" Chyna stammered. "Do it now!" Jim demanded. Chyna bit her lip and Levicy rushed to her, nodding. Cotton removed his coat and passed it to Levicy "here" he said.

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