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I cuddled Ariella as we watched a cartoon together, I missed my princess so much. It had been two hours since we'd been in Italy. I loved the sun and the breeze that drifted through. It was so refreshing here and I could feel my skin glowing.

The clock read ten pm and I looked out to see the sun had already set, the sun was a semicircle sitting on the fiery orange horizon. The sea had mixed with the orange shadow and created a purple magenta hue, it looked stunning and picture perfect. I wanted to take Ariella to the beach by myself, just like we did when it was just me and her. Informing Rafael, he told me security was on standby.

I wore a black bikini which I bought in Dubai. It was a simple two piece with criss cross designs. I dressed Ariella in a cute frilly purple one piece and put some flip flops on her. She looked so adorable, I could eat her. Before I left Rafael told me to come back within an hour since he was going to make dinner. My mouth watered in anticipation for how good his food is. Wearing my kaftan, I headed to the beach which was a ten minute walk down the hill. Ariella was babbling in her buggy and I couldn't help but notice that was was almost a year old. She was growing way too fast and I didn't want her to, she was my little baby.

We were at the beach now and it was nice and quiet. I smelt the salty water and felt the sand going under my feet when a slight breeze came. Ariella was in my lap watching Frozen, I was sure she didn't understand anything but loved it anyways. Feeling someone tap my shoulder, I turned to see what his name... Oh, Ethan, the guy from the charity gala.

"Hey. Milliana, right?" He asked and I stood up,
"Yep, Ethan right?" Nodding, we both laughed and started to make some small talk. He played with Ariella and I enjoyed his company so much that I invited him to dinner. I was pretty sure Rafael would cook enough. After ten more minutes of talking we made our way to the villa.

"Rafa, I'm home, I invited a friend I ran into." Guiding Ethan to the sofa, I offered him some wine to which he gladly accepted. I was pretty sure I heard him mumbled, "I'm going to need it." But I brushed it off. I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of red wine and a glass. "Who did you invite?" He asked and gave me a kiss, "Come with me." I said and took a few grapes in my hand.

Rafael and I entered the room, he looked at Ethan with wide eyes and then he looked angry, his nose was flared and his jaw was clenched. I looked between then in confusion. Ethan just looked back at him blankly.

"Rafael Luciano."

"Ethan Layne."


Hey loves i know its short but like i said I've been busy with school and my other books. I also wanted to dedicate this chapter to SummerAngel17 because she's so motivating and is always excited for the updates.

Edited by rachellewriter

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