House, Home

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TRIGGER WARNING: non-consensual sex, abusive relationships
It kinda makes me sad when I read stories where one character treats the other like complete shit and then the author "makes them good" and then all the readers leave comments like,
"Awww, how cute."
"I'm so glad they're together again."

Um, like no. That's what happens in a real abusive relationship, they apologise and everything seems fine again, but then it just gets bad again. And that's the reality and I feel like not enough people on here know that.
Just know that what's in this story IS NOT LOVE.


The door slammed shut behind him. I knew it was coming. I tensed in fear waiting for it to happen.

"What did I say? What did I say Baekhyun?!" He yelled as soon as the door was shut.

"Not to talk to him," I said quietly.

"I can't fucking hear you, fucking look at me when I'm speaking to you," Chanyeol growled at me.

I took a deep breath and turned to face him. He was mad, I really screwed up this time.

"Chanyeol, he's my friend. I just wanted to talk to him about a few things. I have a life outside this relationship you know," I dared to say.

"Then why won't you tell me what you were talking to him about?" He asked, walking up to me and gripping my arms firmly.

"Because it had nothing to do with you! That's why!" I yelled at him.

His fingers tightened on the bruises that were airbrushed up my arms. I whimpered in pain.

"Like hell it had nothing to do with me!"

"Chanyeol please, can we just talk about it for once?" I said helplessly.

"As opposed to what?" He said, staring intently into my eyes.

"You know what," I said softly, looking down at my feet.

His hand went to my chin and wrenched my face upwards. I moved my head out of his grasp.

"That hurts, don't do that," I murmured.

"Please tell me what it is that I usually do," Chanyeol questioned.

"This! You do this! You hurt me! I don't like it when you do that!" I said angrily.

His hands softened on my arms.

"I wouldn't have to hurt you if you'd just listen to me!" He tried to reason.

I finally saw the break in him. I had to use all of it to my advantage to get me out of this current situation.

"Then talk to me about it. I don't know what you want half the time, and the other half you make these ridiculous requests that I can't possibly comply with," I said, taking myself out of his arms.

"I have never asked too much of you," he replied, his voice rising.

I can't get a break, can I.

"Let's just use today for an example, shall we?" I scoffed.

"I asked you not to talk to him, I think that was a pretty reasonable request, especially given his history," Chanyeol defended himself, advancing towards me.

I felt the edge of the couch at the back of my knees.

"Are you seriously still holding that against him?" I asked, not believing what I was hearing.

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