A trip

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*Kazumi 's PoV 

I finished packing up my thing and was waiting for our bus because the first training is being held in the mountains....

I am not really excited like those idiots there..... why do they look happy their not going in their to have some fun.... they need to train... I was really annoyed because of them especially the boy named Yukimura because he keeps on talking to me like this.....

" Aren 't you excited about this trip ? " he asked me some stupid question again

" Can 't you see I 'm not in the mood of talking and no I 'm not excited about this.... and for your information this is not a trip.... " I said

" But were going on the mountains so this is a trip to train us right ? " he said dtill saying the word "trip "

" Whatever..... " I give up , I can 't stop him from talking

The most annoying part is his  smile... I don 't know why but it irritates me 

The bus was already here.... we all go in and take a sit... I was beside Natsume....

I was really bored, all I can do is stare at the view outside the window..... It was really cold in here because its snowing....

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