"That's very sweet of you, Hanamura. But are you sure you'll be able to stay up through a class?" I asked, causing Hanamura to freeze as his face paled slightly. Hanamura then groaned as his head fell limp.

"You got a point there..." Hanamura sighed weakly. I patted his back, reassuringly. It was a sweet gesture like I said, but there was no way Hanamura could stay awake for each one of our classes. For some reason, as Hanamura's words echoed again in my ear with his bright smile flashing into my mind, I felt my heart skip a beat and my face heat up lightly. Was I getting sick?


It was lunch time now, the students leaving with glee to eat. As usual, Nise- dragging Yukiko along- dashed out the door to eat. Hanamura, who would usually be right behind him, stayed behind and talked with me. We talked over small things, like what to eat for lunch, and how Tatsumi was doing. After a moment, a female student barged into the classroom and exclaimed, "Hey, everyone! They posted the test results!"

"Argh...The awful moment of truth..." Hanamura groaned, making a face.

"Wanna check it out?" I suggested.

"Might as well see the damage," Hanamura sighed. "Let's go." We stood up from our seats and headed down stairs.

When Hanamura and I arrived at the first floor, we saw that students were gathered around the bulletin board. I noticed that Kou and Chou were there too, talking happily as usual. Though, Kou's eyes seemed to be mainly focused on Nise, who was in the front of the crowd. Nise was looking excited, tears of joy falling down his face as some sort of bread stuck out of his mouth. Noticing us, Nise waved happily, making room for us to get where he and Yukiko was in the crowd.

"Narukami-chan, guess what?! I actually did better than I thought I would!" Nise cheered, removing the bread from his mouth. He seems very ecstatic. I felt a warm feeling wash over me at Nise's happiness and nodded.

"It's good to hear you did well, Nise-kun" I replied. Nise laughed, nodding his head violently.

"So how did you do?" Yukiko asked, catching my attention. I shrugged and turned my attention to the list of scores. I blinked in surprise, seeing that I had scored in the top ten. My name was even not that far below Yukiko's name.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Narukami-chan scored number six!" Nise exclaimed as he pointed at where my name was, causing Kou and Chou to exclaim as well, making their way towards us.

"Wow! Nice going, Narukami-chan!" Hanamura laughed, patting my head.

"You're so smart..." Hanamura trailed off, muttering other things that I couldn't hear. I blinked nervously as I found myself being congratulated by my friends. Kou said that it needed a celebration and invited me to eat lunch with her and Chou in the lunch room. I didn't know what to say, since I usually ate bread and would then head back to the classroom to fix my notes. But then Yukiko, Nise, Hanamura, and even Chou encouraged it. With so many people insisting me to eat with them in the cafeteria, I couldn't help but surrender in defeat. I noticed that as everyone walked together towards the cafeteria- me in the middle- other students were whispering among themselves.

After School...

I packed my things a bit more slowly than I would have on a normal day, possibly because of how tired I was today. By the time I was ready to leave, only five classmates from my classroom was left. With a small sigh, I walked out, ready to go home and take a nap.

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