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Kenma POV

"Why" I said in disgust while scrunching my nose up slightly. 

"Because I want you to pleaseeeee" Kuroo begged me. It was currently Saturday and Kuroo wasted his time to come over and try to convince me to go to the beach with him and our friends but I don't feel like socializing. I rather stay inside where I don't have to deal with people.

"No" I said bluntly and turned around to walk away but Kuroo wrapped his arms around me from behind and pulled me into a hug. I felt heat rise to my cheeks. I tried to push him off but he wouldn't budge. We stayed like this for a few minutes but I wanted to go play my new game. 

"Kuroo, get off, I wanna play my new game" he still wouldn't move.

"Kuroooooo" I complained.

"Please g-"

"No" I said cutting him off. He slowly unwrapped his arms from me and let me go. I turned around to face him and when I looked at him he actually looked sad. I felt guilty.

"Fine" he said miserably as he walked to my couch and sat down. He was scrolling through his phone still looking sad which made me feel more guilty.

"O-oh umm do you know what page the homework was on" I said trying to start a conversation so he would stop looking sad. He just shrugged not even looking up. The room was silent. Kuroo still on his phone, and me feeling guiltier every second going by.

"K-kuroo, i'll g-go" he looked up smiling like an idiot which made me blush.

"YAY!!! Your gonna have fun I promise" he said happily. "Oh and shouyo is gonna be there to" he said this in a rather quiet tone. I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Anyways I'm gonna go home and change, then I'll come back and get you, so go get ready" he said smiling. 

"Yes mom" I said sassily. He chuckled and walked out of my house. 

Time skip cause im lazy (:

I heard a knock on my door which meant Kuroo was here. I walked out of my room with my stuff and went to the front door. I opened the door and was greeted by a smiling idiot who made my heart flutter. Kuroo was wearing red shorts and a t-shirt. I was wearing black short with a cat t-shirt. I smiled up at him and locked the door, and with that we were off to the beach.

~Time skip to the beach~

Once we got to the beach we met up with all of our friends and found a place to keep our stuff. 

"KENMA" I turned around only to be tackled by Shouyo. We fell into the sand and he laughed and I made a disgusted face at the sand.

"Sorry Kenma, but we haven't seen each other in a really long time" he said smiling happily. I just smiled at him. In the corner of my eye I saw Kuroo glaring at Shouyo. 

"Whats the matter Kur-"

"HEY HEY HEYYY" I was interrupted by an owl- I mean Bokuto yelling as always. By his side was a bored looking Akaashi. 

"Bokuto" Kuroo said high fiving him. They started talking about stuff I could care less about.

Once we all got settled in everyone decided to go into the ocean. I stayed behind with the stuff as everyone went along and went into the ocean. Daichi threw Suga into the water since Suga said the water was to cold, Shouyo was trying to convince Kageyama to get in, Noya and Tanaka were in the water, Bokuto and Kuroo were bothering Tsukishima, Akaashi and Yamaguchi were standing beside Tsukishima, Kuroo, and Bokuto trying to get them all to chill out, and Asahi was making sure that Noya and Tanaka don't drown. It was all very interesting to me.

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