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Brooklyn, New York
Right after reaching New York, we got inside the car that Thornton had arranged for us.

Brooklyn, New YorkRight after reaching New York, we got inside the car that Thornton had arranged for us

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And on our way to the address in Brooklyn Jack and i decided to grab a cup of coffee.


Addison's POVI walked out of the coffee shop after finishing my coffee because I really needed one after my 25th and the last clash with my stupid boss Mindy

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Addison's POV
I walked out of the coffee shop after finishing my coffee because I really needed one after my 25th and the last clash with my stupid boss Mindy.

Mindy Dakota, the Chief Editor of "The Moment Magazine" and the biggest villain of my life. I work as a photographer there. Oh, sorry, i should say that i WAS working there because i just resigned a few hours ago.

I mean seriously, she was about to fire me just because she didn't like the photographs i had captured for the cover page of the magazine. Well, nothing new though. Ever since I accidently broke one of her precious awards on our very first meeting, she's been a real pain in the a**. But today she said I'm the worst photographer she has ever seen. I mean how dare she! She doesn't even know a single thing about photography and she was trying to teach me. I was hell done with that bitch.

Once out of the cafe i took my phone out of my side bag's pocket and called Sarah.

Once out of the cafe i took my phone out of my side bag's pocket and called Sarah

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Sarah Adler, the one and only best friend in my life. It's been almost two years of our friendship. Though, she's a few years older than me but it never really mattered when I'm with her. She's way cooler than me. And probably the most generous and kindest person I've ever known.

I still remember the day she moved into the apartment right in front of mine. We started spending time together and after two years..here we are. She is my best friend. And right now, i really need to talk to her.

After i told her about my resignation she was about to pick me up. But she was nowhere to be seen. I walked a few steps away from the cafe, trying to call her but she didn't pick up the phone. I was still trying when i heard a loud horn continuously honking behind my back. That annoying sound didn't do much but pissed me even more. And as i turned annoyed by the sound, i saw a black car with two guys sitting inside. I stared at them for a moment and then...

"What?" I yelled in anger raising both of my hands.

"You're blocking my parking girl." The guy on the driver's seat took his head out of the window and said pointing at the place where i was standing, while the other guy just kept looking at me.

" The guy on the driver's seat took his head out of the window and said pointing at the place where i was standing, while the other guy just kept looking at me

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I looked around and realized that i was actually blocking their parking. I looked at them with an expression that definitely said that I had realized my mistake.

"Uh..Sorry!" I said in embarrassment and quietly moved away from the place, walking a few steps away from them.

They parked their car and stepped out. Now i got a clear sight of both of them.
The guy on the driver's seat was a little aged, maybe around 40 or something. He had very short hair with pepper beard and he had black goggles on.
And the other guy had a little long dirty blonde hair. He was clean shaved and was wearing a brown leather jacket.

As the blonde guy stepped out, he looked at me and i accidentally made an eye contact with him but we both immediately looked away

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As the blonde guy stepped out, he looked at me and i accidentally made an eye contact with him but we both immediately looked away. I started looking around and sometimes at my watch as i was waiting for Sarah. They walked from behind me making their way to the cafe where i was having my coffee a few minutes ago. And as they passed by me, a very mild smell of the blonde guy's cologne filled my nostrils as i inhaled. I inhaled once again. And this time deeply.

And by the time i realized how inappropriate that was, they had reached the cafe's entrance. And while i got busy in gazing at them from a distance, a car came in full speed like a storm and crashed the black car, parked in front of me. I immediately jumped back and closed my eyes for a second as everything happened so fast and suddenly.

I opened my eyes as i heard a familiar voice.

"Sarah..?" My eyes widened as i saw Sarah inside the car. It took a while for me to understand what just happened there. But when i realized what Sarah had just done and saw the guys running my way, i just couldn't do anything but hop inside the car and...run.


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"Hey....stop...!" The goggle guy shouted running towards the car.
"Sorry.." I got my head out of the window and shouted loud enough so the guys could hear me.

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