"Yep, no problem," Pete told him, picking up his speed a bit.

"C-can you maybe not go so fast?" Patrick asked after a few moments.

"Why, you don't like it when I go fast?" Pete asked evilly as he started running as fast as he could with the other boy on his back.

"No!" Patrick squealed, tightening his grip on Pete. He gradually slowed down until they were back at a walking speed.

"I think that's his house there," Pete said after a while, looking down the hill they were currently on.

"I can walk the rest then," Patrick told him. Without saying anything, Pete reluctantly lowered him to the ground and they continued on, at a slightly faster pace than before. By the time they were on Josh's street, Pete had grabbed Patrick's hand and was dragging him along behind him as he ran.

Soon they were standing on their friend's doorstep, hands still interlocked and gasping for breath. Pete rang the door bell and they waited a few seconds before the door was opened by a smiling Josh. He welcomed them and stood back to let the two in before looking down at their hands and saying, "Peterick is so real."

Pete just laughed, but Patrick quickly dropped his hand from his friend's grip and pulled it closer to him, causing Pete to stop and look at him curiously. Patrick just looked to the ground and began taking his shoes off, so Pete followed suite.

"Not many of the others are here yet," Josh told them as he led them into the house. "It's just..." he scrunched his face up, trying to remember who was already there. "Ryan and Frank."

The two nodded and a few moments later they were standing in the entrance of Josh's living room. Ryan and Frank were sitting across from each other, somewhat awkwardly. They both looked up hopefully when the new group walked in, but looked back away again when they realized no one there was their boyfriends.

Patrick noticed, and put his hand on his chest in mock offence while saying, "what, you're not happy to see us just because we don't give you blow jobs? How rude."

It being so irregular to hear Patrick say something that wasn't made of pure sunshine rainbow cinnamon buns with unicorns dancing on them, everyone else in the room was completely shocked into silence. Because of that, when Gerard loudly knocked on the window beside them all, they were all scared shitless.

Pete jumped backwards into the wall, Josh actually fell back through the door behind him, Ryan made quite possibly the least manly noise he could have while whipping around to see what was there and Frank fell off the couch, landing face first on the coffee table in front of him. Patrick was the only one left unaffected, and he was currently laughing so hard his face was red and  he was gasping for air, along with Gerard.

A few moments later, everyone had mostly recovered, and Gee walked in to the room, still chuckling.

"I hate you!" Frank yelled at him, pouting, as Gerard went over and sat beside him.

"Nah, you love me," Gerard told him, leaning over to quickly kiss him. Frank tried to keep his angry expression, but it couldn't have been more obvious he was fighting a smile as he gently hit his boyfriend on the arm.

Half an hour later, everyone had arrived and was sitting around the room. There was barely any space on the limited amount of chairs, even with Ryan now on the floor, so the friends were all pressed uncomfortably close together. After a while, Brendon decided to point this out, and they were all left trying to find a solution. Eventually, Frank moved onto Gerard's lap, looking around the room to indicate someone else should follow his lead.

Pete, Mikey and Patrick all turned to look at each other. Pete just shrugged, not caring who did what, and Mikey looked to Patrick. Slightly reluctantly, he shifted over onto Pete's lap, making the other boy smile.

The group continued talking for a while before they started getting a bit bored and Josh suggested they play something.

"How about some good ol' truth or dare?" Gerard said, insisting he meant it ironically.

"Raise you hand if you wanna play truth or dare!" Josh shouted.

About half of them did, which was good enough, and they all shuffled closer together to start playing.

A/N So that'll be in the next chapter since this one is already over a thousand words and I've taken too long to write it anyway. And my, hasn't this taken a turn for the boring cliché teenage sleepover drama game thing. But it's actually kind of important that they play it because of reasons which you will find out later, so... yeah.

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