"You gonna eat that"He said to 10k who was savoring his food.10k then shoved it in his mouth and giggled a bit."Selfish little bastard"Murphy mumbled

"We need to split up and find food and water"Garnett said."If we can find a two way radio or a satellite dish,I can try to contact that citizen Z guy"Addy said

"That's good,you and Mack get on that.Doc take 10k,Sarah,and Cassandra see what you can find.Warren and I will take Murphy,stay close"He ordered

We had found a satellite so Doc and 10k were trying to get it down.

"I don't know why we stopped here in Philly.We should've kept going"Cassandra said

"Why have a problem with the locals that are alive"I questioned and she got stiff and quiet

"Going where,we need a way to contact that citizen dude"Doc said and I backed away from Cassandra."And I think Addy can do something with this dish"

"Who knows maybe we'll get lucky and pick up porn"I laughed at his statement

"Never seen porn"10k said.And that left me and Doc in shock."You never seen porn"Doc asked

"Really,Never"I asked

"Before my time,is it any good"He asked.Doc answered with a big ya and me and Cassandra with an ehh

"Wait so that mean your a virgin"I blurted and his cheeks turned a very dark red."W-well aren't y-you"He stuttered and I laughed

"Like I said love makes you do crazy things"I said and I looked over at Cassandra and she looked scared and started running so I ran after her.

"Cassandra"I yelled after her.I looked behind me and seen two guys running after us,or her.We ran into an alley and seen Z's eating someone.

I pushed Cassandra behind a dumpster as they came running after us and the guys shot them down.I pushed her into the opposite direction and began to run.

"What the hell was that.Who the hell were they"I fired at her and she just shook her head and that's when I seen at least twenty Z's heading our way,and without warning she took off with out me.I began running but I tripped over a dead body and before anything could touch me all the Z's were taken down and a rag was put over my mouth and everything became dark.

I struggled in the seat the people put me in and I heard screaming.Soon they took the bag off my head and the lady in front of me.Addy.She was screaming and almost crying

"Addy it's me,look it's me.You need to clam down"I stated and some guy stroked my hair."Don't fucking touch me"I spat

"Child such foul language,the last thing we want to do is harm you"an older man said

"My friends are looking for us and when they find you they will kill you,they'll kill all of you"She yelled

"I get it,you don't trust me.Why should you,and I know your not ready to hear this but I'm sorry"He said.You got to be kidding me

"You can take your sorry and shove it up your ass"I spat.I looked at the knots tied around my hand and thought of an idea.I picked the chair up and then slammed it back in the ground and it broke.I punched the guy that was holding me and kicked another in the balls.I looked in the corner of the room and seen my guns.But I couldn't get to them because a gun was held to my head.

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