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Medyo palit-palit ng POV :) And yung POV ng girls? Siguro sa mga susunod na chapter AND I know po na medyo mahaba ung 'Our day with the girls' But eto na last part niya! yeyyyy! And it's a little bit of a short chapter! Thanks:)



Niall's POV

I smiled turning away from the tigers but frowned when I saw Louis leaning down to kiss Alex, at first I didn't know what to do.. And well..

Louis' POV

"Guys! I'm a bit hungry!" Niall shouted, I gasped and almost let go of Alex but I pulled her up making ME fall. "Oh my gosh." She said, not knowing if she should let me stand by myself or not. "I'm fine." I said and stood up. That was awkward.

"Uh. Yeah." Harry said scratching the back of his head. "I'm a bit hungry too." He added. "Um." Alex said frowning at Kat. "May nakita akong BBQ na tindahan dun. T-Tara." She said pulling Ivy and Kat, the lads looked at me, making me look down. "We're going to talk later." Liam said with a stern voice.

How do they even know I was about to kiss her?! or How they ALREADY know I like her?! or maybe they don't...? "Guys!" We heard Ivy shout. Making us run to her, she looked at me narrowing her eyes before looking at the others. "This is called isaw." She said pointing at the intestine thing. "This is Liwanag ng buhay-Not really popular." Kat explained another.

Alex was eating alot of this so called isaw. "This is Dugo. Blood in english. I don't know why it's like that so don't ask me." Ivy said chuckling. They showed us more then we ate, except Alex who was already finished, she's still holding a cup of sauce for the isaw. I sighed and saw her looking at the ground biting her lip opening and closing her eyes.

"Hey." I whispered sitting down beside her, making her jump slightly. I closed my eyes when I felt hot-ish liquid on my face. "Oh wow. You look hotter when you have sauce on you." She said chuckling. "Oh. Ha. Ha. Thanks." I laughed and said sarcastically. My eyes was still closed, I heard a click before a giggle. "Don't move." She said. I did as I was told. "Alex?" I asked.

Alex's POV

"Manong tissue." Sabi ko kay manong. Nung inabot sakin ni manong yung tissue may narinig akong tawanan. Nakita na siguro si Lou.

Niall's POV

Louis have sauce all over his face. Ivy was taking pictures of him and Kat was video-taking it. Soon. Alex came with tissues and laughed before wipping the sauce away. I'm jealous. I mean, who wouldn't be? "Thanks, love." He said. I rolled my eyes before stuffing in some more BBQ. It's really delicious.

"Next stop is .. At home." Ivy said. "Wait. What time is it?" I asked. "5:18pm" Kat answered. Alex yawned. "Come on lads. Let's go." Zayn said yawning too. I nodded. We went out saying goodbye to the animals and the kind lady a while ago.

We waited for a taxi and went home when we got one.


"Good Night." I yawned out to Alex. "Night." She said and hugged me. I put my face on her neck smelling some sauce. "Don't worry. I'm going to take a shower." She said before smiling-letting go of me.

"Good Night, ladies." I said winking before they all got upstairs, leaving me with the lads. "Boys. Meeting." Liam ordered. We all sat on the couch with Liam in front of us.

"Let's talk about our girls. Yeah? And I want you guys to be honest because I'll be honest too."

Oh no.

Unexpected (Tagalog/English Story: One Direction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora