Adventurer's Findings.

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You walked around the school searching for treasure. You were looking for something rare, but there was nothing unique here. The only things you had found was some dropped pens and a dropped textbook. There wasn't even any special animals around. There was so little you managed to explore everything in a whole day. There was still 20 minutes of lunch left, so you looked down and went back to your form room.

You sat down, ignoring the rest of the people around you, as you wrote in your handbook, 'No new findings'. You looked around the classroom, it was the usual honestly. Teruteru flirting with Sonia while Kazuichi tries to get her to go on a date with her, while she talks wth the other girls. Fuyuhiko being alone and Peko watching over him, Hiyoko and Mikan fighting, Komaeda rambling on about hope and Ryota drawing. The others were out doing whatever. Chiaki was probably with that giy from the reserve course, Ibuki was probably rockin' out, Mahiru was most likely taking photos and Akane and Nekomaru were probably fighting somewhere. That strange man... Gundham I think his name was, was sat alone hugging him hamster so you decided to pull a chair up to his desk.

You smiled at him, Tanaka, was it?
Hmm? What do you want with me mortal?
Cmon we're the only two here alone lets go out and find some animals I'm bored!
Y-You like animals too? Tanaka looked away and brought his scarf to his face. Was he being shy? Yeah of course! I have findings and sketches in my books of rare animals I've seen. Wanna borrow my book?
I-I'd like that. You smiled and gave him your book. He went through it, and you watched hiw he looked so interested, I know a place where a load of rare animals are. Would you like to go with me after school some day?
I-I'd like that... m-mortal. He covered his face just up to under his eyes with his scarf, but kept reading the book. You smiled at him, and when he finished the book he handed it back to you. W-What's your favorite type of animal?
Hmmm. I know this is kind of basic but... probably exotic birds or cats.
That's not basic at all. My favorite is hamsters, although this is their temporary form! You gently picked up one of the hamsters and fed it some sunflower seeds, I hope they are this cute in their other form hehehe. Tanaka blushed a dark shade of red and he pulled the scarf over his face. I guess he was super cute.

You started to forget the past and the despair, and focus your hope on Tanaka. What's in the past stays there. I won't bring everything here. I am not who I used to be anymore. I.... I am happy now. I have... friends now. Friends.

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