Chapter Two

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Note: Even though i only got 3 votes on the first chapter i decided i would give you this. Chapter two! Enjoy!

My jaw dropped. My eyes went wide.

"A fallen a-angel?" He nodded, obviously finding my reaction amusing. He almost made me smile, the emphasis on almost. Then i thought of something.

"How do you know me?" He gave me a weird look, and answered after a few minutes.

"Katrialyn and I go way back." (Katrialyn is Kats real name. Kat is just a nickname.) Once again, i was shocked.

"You know Kat?"

"How else would i know you?" There was a knock on the door, then Kat came in, shutting and locking the door behind her. I ran over to her, hugging her. We almost fell over with the force i hit her with.

"Your okay, Ari. Calm down." She gave me a concerned look. She had emerald green eyes, with wavy light brown hair. She turned to Lucas.

"Thanks you so much, Lucas!" He smiled and nodeed. I wasnt sure what to say.

"Um, Lucas, thank you." And he gave me that damn smile.

"No problem, Arianne." I sorta smiled back, the butterflies still going crazy in my stomach.

"Ready to go home?" I was about to say something, but Lucas butted in.

"Oh yeah, Katrialyn, i need to talk to you." She nodded OK and he went to the corner to talk. I lewned up against the wall, trying to read thei minds. Yes, i can read minds. They completely blocked me out. When they were done, they walked back over, but said nothing.

"Uhh, whats up?" Kat looked wt me a moment before speaking.

"Um, we think Lucas should stay with you."

"I just met him, why?" This time Lucas spoke.

"Well, whichever Caphir bit you is likely to come back. And with Kats engagment-" he stopped when he saw my hurt and angered reaction.

"Whats wrong?" I ignored him and turned to Kat, who sat there giving Lucas the death glare.

"Your engagment? Kat! You got engaged? How long ago?" I said the last part a little harsh but didnt care. Shebshook her head.

"Two months... but Ari, let me explain." I gave her a mean look before answering.

"Really? We have been like sisters for fifteen years! What reason could you have that would explain you keeping this from me?" She looked like she was about to cry.

"Nevermind that Ari. Theres more." I looked at her waiting.

"Ari, Lucas, i thought this was impossible, but, b-but, im p-pregnant. Thats why he's marrying me. He dont know why its such i bad thing."

Authors note: Dun dun dunnn! Hmm what do you think will happen next? And btw a Caphir is a vampire/demon kinda thing.

READ IMPORTANT: I need ideas for cast! Any ideas? And title ideas. I got one, but need more to choose from! And to makes things interesting. If i get 10 votes, Ill upload tomorrow! If i dont, then you guys have to wait till next week!

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