The Prince and The Hunter: Part 5

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Sam's POV:

I grabbed the saddle and placed it on the horse quickly before anyone saw. No way I'm staying with Gabriel, he was a freak!

"Hey kid! Where'd you go!?" Gabe yelled. He entered the stable with a loud sigh.
"Damn kid, he better have not ran away....Mike's gonna kill me"

I stood quiet behind the horse waiting for him to leave.
"Sam!" He yelled again Looking around. He stood quiet for a while before walking towards the horse. Damn it!
"Hey girl, what's wrong......wait,was someone about to take you out!?" He raised his voice a bit.
The horse snarled in response moving its head towards my direction.
"What....SAM!!" He yelled in happiness.
"Thank you so much girl, I get to live another day cause of you" he laughed.
"Leave me alone!" I whined as he picked me up bridal style and carried me outside.
"I could walk you know" I tried getting out of his grip.
"I know you can, you can walk away, run away, get away, I'm not taking the risk"

"I have to find my brother!"
"You have to get smart first by going to school"
"Are you calling me an idiot!"
"I'm calling you a genius" he muttered sarcastically.

I puffed angrily and accepted my fate.

Castiel's POV:

I huffed as I searched everywhere for my heels.
Where could they be. I came home, took them off and placed them neatly under my bed.

"DEAN!!" I yelled. I went into his room with a loud slam.
He jumped up in fear looking around.
"Who are you!" He yelled while jumping up and getting dressed.
"I don't have time for your silly games, I'm looking for my heel"
"Right....umm....when did we umm....I don't remember your name"
"You can you forget my name in a day!"
"It was just a one night stand wasn't it....but I'm sure I'd remember someone as beautiful as you" he grinned making me glare at him.
"Give me my heel!" I spoke louder almost using my powers.

As a Royal blood and son of the lord I hold dangerous power. Those of us who do are to take an oath.
The oath is a promise to not use our power for evil or for destruction, we may not use it on the innocent, and only to be used in real danger.

"Yes you manwhore"
"I'm not a whore!"
"Dean Winchester, accept the truth"
"Shut up"
"As The Prince-"
"As your guard I highly advise you to not cross the line"

I huffed and went on to search the room.
Clothes, dirty clothes, a bra?....a soda can, books, and....oh no.
"You sinful horny bastard"
"What is this" I picked up a very....graphic magazine.
"Hey! That's mine! It's not like you don't have a stash yourself"
"I would never!"
"Lies" he came closer.
"A royal like me would never do such a horrid act, it's.....wrong"
"Oh come on, a man gets lonely. Don't tell me you don't touch down here" he glanced below.
"You freak!"
"Says the one wearing a dress" he smirked.
We argued with our eyes for a while until someone knocked on the door.

He continued looking at me until I shook my head and went to answer the door.

Beside the door was my heel, I picked it up and placed it on smiling happily.
"Open the door Princess"

I sighed but did so, "Hello Madam, I am looking for Dean are?"
"Castiel Novak"
"Wow, a royal last name....Well anyway, My names Ariel Landers, I am a friend of his, nothing more" she smiled, "no need to worry"
"worry for what, Dean needs friends"
The lady chuckled out loud and agreed.
"Yes he does, I presume you are his....girlfriend?"
"Nope!" He slammed the door shut on her face.

"Why would you do that!"
"Go away Ariel!"
"Not until you pay! I need the money Dean!"
"In a month I'll have it!"
"That's what you've been saying all year!"
"I'm serious this time!"
"Serious about fleeing kingdom aren't you!"

"Both of you Shut up!" I yelled. I opened the door dragging her in.
"How much does he owe you"
"If you can only imagine, 5 gold coins!"
"What!? How?!" She yelled in shock as I gave her the coins.
"Now make up you two"

They both stared at each other awkwardly before laughing and hugging each other.
"Where'd you get this rich lady"
"Lady" Dean chuckled like a four year old.
I cleared my throat before elbowing his stomach.

"I come from a wealthy family and am under his care, for now I am working as a maid. Dean here is nothing but a....guard"

"That so....I think there's a little love in the air" She chirped.
Ariel was a chubby blonde lady. She was sweet and had a scent of cupcakes, but something told me once you got on her bad side those candy canes and lollipops sharpen up.

"How about I give you a ride to work, it's enough embarrassment to show up in that wagon for a day"
"Leave it alone, it still works!"
"To bad your brain doesn't"

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