My body recovered. Last week we conducted tests, praying no meds will be given this time.

My hair is at its awkward stage of being short but I'm thankful I'm starting to have a few little more.

I settled with a dress and comb my hair. I put on a little blush on my pale face, then Connor walked in and smiled at me, he held my tiny waist and kissed my neck, "My forever beautiful wife." He murmured as he nuzzle my neck.

I smiled and turned to him, placing my hand over his neck and kissed him. "Thank you for taking care of me."

"No. Thank you for staying with me." He murmured. "Thank you for giving me little Atticus."

I hugged him tighter. Saying what my mind thinks, I stated, "What if... I'm not yet free of cancer?" I asked, afraid of the results.

Last year, when we took the tests, the doctor said I needed another set of chemotherapy, it was making me weak, consuming all of me, but then, I agreed.

"Let's not think on that way." He said, hugging me tighter. "I'm positive on this one. But even if not, I will ask you, if you wanted to go through it again, and if you do, I will be there, I will stay with you."

He was there all time, he know how weak sickness made me.

"Why did you not look for another, Connor? You could have chosen another woman, you could have a side woman and you will hear nothing from me, in fact, in case you felt like you love her I will let you go, why...why stay with me?"

Connor is one of the most sought after man in the world. He will have a real crown over his head someday, he's a fine, beautiful man with a great heart.

Even though he doesn't tell me. I know, aside from my sickness, he was encountering struggles too.

He was criticized for marrying a sick woman like me, for all those royal engagements he missed. Taking care of a sick woman can be handful

I was thankful that mom and dad was there to support us.
They've been suppressing all the information about me, and all the negative comments the tabloids are writing relating to my state.

"Why do you always think of me leaving you? Did I ever gave you a motive on that?"

I shook my head and kissed his chin. "I just wanted to make sure if the sacrifices you made were worth it... Let's be real, two years, you shut your world out, you missed weddings of our friends, you missed traveling the world, you missed making love..."

"Oh. So we are talking about sexy nights huh?" He grinned mischievously and playfully raised a brow.

I blushed. It's been almost three years since we last did the deed. "Are you missing our sexy time? Hmmm babe?" He nuzzled my neck, enough to feel shivers all over. Same feeling I feel whenever we make love.

I held on to his arm for support, then he charmingly chuckled on my neck. "Hmmm. Someone's missing something." He teased.

I rolled my eyes and moved away from him. "Whatever!" I sneered then walked out of the room.

"We can do it later, I'll ask the doctor if we can..."

I covered his lips with my hand, afraid that people might here us. He just chuckled and asked, "What? We're legally married."

"Ugh!" I said and walked away.

"Later babe!" He shouted, excitedly


The doctor was making me nervous. He was looking thoroughly at my MRI, then back to the papers, then he looked at my X-rays.

It was the third time he did that. He was not speaking, he was just looking through it.

He put down his glasses and looked at us.

"Well, it took time, I just wanted to make sure about the results..."

He put the ultrasound in front of us, and circled a portion.

"There. You see that?"

I looked at it, there was a small bump, and back in my mind, I was thinking that there's still it, my cancer cells.

"This is your gall bladder, and based on the results, there's a polyp on it."

I smiled at the doctor. I think I know what he will say next.

"Removing it is the only option, as of the moment there's no medicine that can dissolve it."

" your case, it's too small. It's not fatal, it's not cancerous, but we have to take precautions..."

"Not cancerous?" I asked again.

He smiled and nodded. "Finally, you're cancer free Valerie. All of the results were negative, aside from this polyp in your gall. Let's continue with the healthy living. Do that for the rest of your life. I want to see you again for the next three months, then after that let's have a monthly check up..."

I cried and hugged Connor. "I'm free now. I'm free now baby." I was crying. Happy tears. I'll see my Atticus grow up. I'll stay, I will live my life.

"Congratulations. And thank you for trusting us. The stem cell therapy had a good feedback from your body. It worked well. No side effects as of now, and we want to keep it that way. We examined these results before I walk here to tell you. However, I wanted to make sure. CONGRATULATIONS!"

I smiled at him, feeling so blessed about it. Connor kept me in his arms, and cried with me...

Happy tears.

Taming His Royal HighnessWhere stories live. Discover now