Did it Really Happen

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Its 3:00 am and my phone is vibrating I wake up and take my phone off the charger. Its Niall I call him.

"well you finally saw the text" he said

"yeah"I yawned and. walked towards the bathroom

" anyways you free today" he asked

"you and I both know that I'm not free,I have classes in the morning " I sigh

"Jesse you are complicated,but I still love you" he says

"I love you too you fucking retard " I said in a playful tone as I hung up.

I look at the time its 3:25am well I'm already up classes start at nine I striped and got into the shower after a couple of minuets I here a knock at my door I get out of the shower and put my night gown back on "coming!" I yell I open the door and its Niall

"surprise ?" he says as he pull me in for a kiss

"well kinda nobody usually comes and knock at this hour" I reply laughing.

"so what's for breakfast " he says as he playfuly shoves me aside

"are you gonna make some " I shove him back

"ok babe " he walk toward the fridge and opens it "egg CHECK bacon CHECK" he says

"babe, I wanna take you to a party friday you up for it" he says

"yeah I guess" I sighed.

"hey babe try to sound alive about it" he said hugging me from the back I walk back towards the bathroom and hopped in the shower.

I walk in the kitchen drying my hair,I had some black clad shorts on and a pink see through tank top.

"wow you look sexy, who are you trying to impress?" he chuckled

"you silly" I giggled pulling him towards me for a kissing session.




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