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Aries : a painting of a cotton field that makes you feel violent

Taurus : an old box tv that still somehow works

Gemini : a pair of tennis shoes doodled over and washed a thousand times

Cancer : sand-colored curtains that move a bit too easily

Leo : the sculpture at the city museum that looks like it's watching you

Virgo : a bookshelf that never seems to get dusty

Libra : a rained-on journal filled with unintelligible words

Scorpio : a lighter that never seems to run out of juice

Sagittarius : the bicycle sitting on your porch, abandoned, but spiders refuse to touch it

Capricorn : fake flowers in your grandmothers basement

Aquarius : old letters and drawings from 1st grade perfectly preserved

Pisces : a seashell with a long crack down the middle

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