Chapter 3: Mending A Regrettable History

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           Everything was in pitch black, I could not see anything at all. Invisibly, I felt like chains coiled around, wrapping my body up tightly. I felt nervous, my heart was racing again. Then, a shadow of light penetrated through. I raised my arms to protect my eyes as I squinted them. The blinds were pulled up by two taller men dressed in white cloaks. They almost looked the same as the man who showed me to the director’s office.

             “Well well, if it isn’t young Galen Wulfo.” a voice suddenly called my name. My eyes adjust to the brightness of the brand new scenery and I put my arms down slowly. A middle-age looking man was in front of me, sitting behind his mahogany desk. A smirk curled on his face.

            “How. . .” I began, gulping down. “How do you know who I am?...” I asked, feeling insecure about this whole entire situation. It feels like I’ve been lured in a predator’s trap. My suspicions about being invited to this place was more than just to ‘continue my ancestors’ line.’

              “Oh, I’ve known you for a very long time,” he answered and I took a step back. Something about their aura made me feel very uneasy. It is strange considering this is suppose to be an all wolves school. “You see, you are very special to us Galen. . .and to this academy as well.” he added.

           I furrowed my brows slightly, staring straight into his eyes. Everything around this room, as well as the people, made me feel sick and nervous here. I couldn’t comprehend what the man said about me. Important? Since when was I positioned to be important?

                “.......” I didn’t say anything. I merely listened.

             “Oh by the way, I do apologize for not introducing myself. I am the Director of this academy. I do not tolerate any insolent behavior. Considering that you’ve agreed to become part of this school, it includes you as well dear Galen.” he said and I twitched, narrowing my brows.

           “. . .Plan?” I began, clutching my bag. A small chuckle erupted from his mouth as if something I said was funny or ignorant. I didn’t like this one bit.

             “Oh my, Galen, you are such a no-brainer. . .” he began. I grit my teeth and growled.

             “What did you say?” I bellowed.

            “Let me just spill it for you,” he said, his voice had gotten hard and solemn. “The reason why you are invited to Saint Vrykolakas Academy is because you are going to be the tester bait for our experiment.” I widened my eyes in shock.

             “H-Huh?..” I muttered, blinking confusingly. I was going to be a tester bait? Wait--wasn’t this academy suppose to be full of werewolves like me? Somehow, I didn’t believe what he was saying. I was scared to be honest, so I laughed it off like it was a joke. “H-Ha ha. . .you’re joking right?” I asked and the Director didn’t laugh back. He was emotionless and serious at the same time.

             “The Vampires and Werewolves were long rivals. In ancient years ago, the noblistic Vampire Race were the ones who ruled the world. On the other hand, the Werewolves lived below the Vampires. It was a simple social status that formed a gap between the two mythical creatures. They often seek to destroy what is different. Vampires are aristocratic and noble beings with an insatiable lust for blood, whereas werewolves are usually shown as a bit more laid back, a little rough around the edges with the need to destroy everything in their path once a month. Two very different, yet equally destructive, creatures. Werewolves hate that vampires drink blood, vampires hate that werewolves have a wild dangerous beast inside them. Werewolves think vampires are filthy leeches, vampires think werewolf are lowly dogs.
              “The werewolves hate the vampires because they forced them into slavery, which triggered a war that lasted for centuries. Eventually neither side remembers what started it all, but they are so far into it that the hatred is fused into their minds.  They dislike one another because they think that they are far superior, and because of that, a challenge is born and each side rises to the occasion, ready to prove to the other that they are the greatest. Vampires and werewolves are the same, each side thinks that they are the superior race, and they feel the need to go against each other to prove it. And because the Werewolves had enough of the Vampires’ boastful reputations, they began to ascend this invisible gap that separated them. Of course, countless and endless war were fought between the two. Atlas, the Werewolves lost, giving the Vampires the opportunity to wipe all of them out in history.” he said.

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