Mrs. Green claps and says "Good Job Emma. Who's next?"

Kyle's P.O.V.

I skipped school to talk to Jackosn. I walk up to Jackson's house and knock on the door.

Jackson answers the door and ask "Yeah?"

"We need to talk." I tell him

He pulls me in and starts to kiss me. For some reason I don't push away. I let him kiss me and I kiss back. He pushes me onto the couch and gets on top of me.

"Wait." I try to say but he doesn't stop

I don't push away. I'm such an idiot.

I start to kiss him back. He puts his hands behind my neck and continues to kiss me.

I just screwed up so many damn things. This is all my fault. All of it.

Lyla's P.O.V.

"Hey." Harley walks over to me.

I roll my eyes and continue to read my book.

"Hey!!!" Harley yells slamming my book down

"I was ready, bitch." I say looking back at my book.

"I need a favor." She says

I laugh "And you think I'm gonna do it?"

"You don't have a choice." She says

"Yes I do." I say contuining reading my book.

She puts her phone on the table "Now will you?" It was a picture of Jackson and I in the bed sleeping together at the party.

"How did you get that?" I ask

"It was easy. You were sleeping."

"What do you want?" I ask

She grins.

Nathan's P.O.V.

I walk to Jackson's house because Kyle said he was here. The door was wide open so I let my self in.

"Hello?" I ask as I search the house

I look over to the couch and drop my phone.

"Kyle?" I ask

Jackson stops kissing him with his shirt off. Kyles eyes widen.

"I'm-" Kyle says but I cut him off

"I thought you were the good one." I say and walk away.

Lyla's P.O.V.

"I need you to get me some drugs." She says "I can't be seen getting them or risk being caught."

"Hell no!" I say

"Then, I'll just post it." Harley says

"Do it."

"What?" He eyes widen in shock

"You heard me. Do it!!" I yell

Harley freezes. She didn't expect me to say it.

"Did you not here me?!?!? I said fucken post it!!!!" I yell at her I grab my stuff.

Sam looks at me in shock. Emma does the same. So does the rest of the class.

I walk out.

Mrs Green yells "GET BACK IN HERE NOW!!"

I continue to walk out.

I text Alex: Can you talk in person?

Alex: I'm in class.

Me: Skip class, I need to tell you something.

Alex: fine, I'll try

Me: meet me in the presidents room

Alex: okay. I'll try

I turn off my phone and wait in the room.

Nathan's P.O.V.

I walk into the hospital room, where Andrew is.

"Hey." Andrew says weakly

"Hey." I say sitting down

"What happened kido?" He asked

"Kyle cheated on me..."


"Yes. Why you sound shocked."

"Because he not the one to cheat. Who was it with."

"Jackson." I tell him

Andrew coughs and says "That's your problem there. He ruins every relationship. Kyle still cheated on you but the main reason is Jackson."

"Really?" I ask


Lyla's P.O.V.

Alex walks into the room. I take a deep breath and picture many endings this might have. My heart beats fast. I hear it.

"Yes, Lyla?" Alex asks

"Sit down." I say

Alex sits down on the couch and asks "Whaat's the matter?"

I sit next to him and say "At the party. I got drunk and I cheated on you with Jackson. I had sex with Jackson. I was so drunk." I start to cry "And I'm so sorry. But I understand that you wanna break up with me."

"That's good you understand. But I'm breaking up with you." Alex says

I start to tear up and cry.

"And I hope you understand that I have to beat up Jackson now." He smiles and walks away.

Oh no. He's gonna kill Jackson. This, this isn't gonna end good.

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