Chapter 12 - Having A Laurel Day.. Sort of.

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  • Dedicated to ALL TIME LOW FANS!

Laurel's POV

I woke up to the sun rays shining on my face, through the curtain openings. I have to admit, I slept surprisingly well. I glanced at the digital clock which stood on the bedside table, reading 9:56 AM. Well, I guess I better get ready and get out of this room if I did not want to miss the breakfast buffet, which ends at 11. I was craving food! Proper food! Not just microwave meals, which was all they had at that warehouse.

After getting out of the shower and getting dressed, I switched my hair straightener on, and let it heat up, as I observed the room, once again, finding something that caught my eye. The note. The note the was Scarlett's, and was supposedly from that Mr. Jones guy. What am I gonna do now… Should I tell Harry? I think I --

My thoughts were interrupted by the beeping noise made by the straightener, indicating that it had heated up.

"So, I see you're back." I heard a voice say behind me.

I turned around to see the one and only, Tyler. 

"Good morning to you too." I said, putting some pancakes onto my plate.

"Yeah, whatever. So, where'd you run off too? Was my sexiness to intimidating for you?" He teased.

I rolled my eyes, "Sure it was." I replied, walking away towards a table. I sat down, and placed my plate on the table in front of me, and began digging in. Oh my gosh. The food is like sex on a plate.

I looked up to find an unfamiliar face, sitting across me.

"So why's a pretty girl like you sitting here alone?" He, whoever he is, said.

"Heh. Thanks, and I don't know… Not wanting to sound mean or anything, but do I know you?" I smiled faintly at him.

"Nope, but now you do, I'm Mason." He said with a grin, extending his hand for me to shake.

"Laurel." I smiled and shook his hand.

"So, have you just checked in?" He asked.

"Um, well, not really, no. I just spent a few nights at friend's house over here." I said, half-honestly.

"Oh, that explains why I haven't seen you around before. So where ya from?" He asked, again.

"Cheshire. You?" I asked back.

"Lancashire." He smiled. (Okay! So idk anything about Lancashire so yeah… I googled counties of england and it was close by Cheshire so yaaa(: )

"That's nic--" I managed to say, before I was interrupted.

"Good morning!" Thayer said a little too cheerfully before sitting down beside me, "And who is this?" He looked at Mason.

"Thayer, this is Mason. Mason, this is Thayer." I introduced them to each other.

Mason stuck his hand out to Thayer, but after realizing he wasn't going to shake it, he returned his hand back to his side.

"Has he been annoying?" Thayer whispered into my ear, sending glares to Mason. 

"No. We were actually in a conversation before you interrupted us." I looked at him.

"Oh, sorry." Thayer said, taking a bite out of the apple in his hand.

"By the way, you are not to leave the hotel today, understood? I mean, it's not like yo- Never mind. But just don't think about leaving this place." Thayer said seriously.

"Yeah, okay…" I said, before an awkward silence lapsed around us, not completely though, with all the chatter from the families and everyone around us.

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