J - Jangle

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Year of study: fourth

Assignment type: solo (with mentor observing)

Tora told me to pretend she isn't here, but that's a little difficult when I can sense her right behind me, watching my every move. She's come along on assignments before, of course, but I was always with another trainee. This is the first time I get to do it alone—if you can call it alone with a mentor practically breathing down my neck.

I step quietly along the corridor toward the bathroom. Over the spray of water, I catch the muffled sound of someone singing. Crap. I forgot to ask if it's a boy or girl I'm protecting. Please, please let it be a girl. It's awkward enough to have someone watching me without the added embarrassment of a naked boy.

The door is closed, which means I have to find my own way into the bathroom. I write a doorway onto the wall with my stylus, letting Tora follow me into the faerie paths before I try to picture the bathroom on the other side of the wall. A new doorway opens up in front of me. Steam drifts lazily through the air, and the singing immediately becomes louder. It's the voice of a girl. Thank goodness.

Okay, now where is this silly little fae creature I'm supposed to catch? It doesn't take long for me to spot it. Seated on top of the shower head is the jangle. Tiny bells hang from each of the fae's toes and fingers. It even has a bell on its head, though that one may just be a fashion accessory. The jangle extends its fingers, getting ready to tinkle out a melody the human girl will find irresistible. I raise my arms. Time to show Tora I can do this on my own.

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