chapter 38

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*Leo's pov*

Oh my God...not again I thought to myself. it's been so long since we saw him, but it just seems like we can never get a break from this lunatic! especially with Nicola right now....

"touch her, and I will kill you" I said through clenched teeth, stepping in front of her. she gave me a look like 'I can do this!' but I just returned the look with a 'work with me here' look. she sighed. everyone looked really confused at us, but they let it slide when the shredder swung his blade at raph, who blocked it perfectly.

the shredder may have caught us unprepared, but we were ready. it was 9 against 1. he was truly an idiot.

we charged at him and I was the first one to start fighting him. I pulled out my katanas and swung for his head, but he blocked and threw me into the wall. I recovered and swung at his arm, and it fell off.

it freakin fell off!

I was in a temporary shock, and taking this to his advantage he kicked me a good ways away, where I landed on my head.

oooowww I thought to myself. I got up slowly and took a better look at the shredders...arm. where it used to be, there were just some lose wires.

wait...lose WIRES?! WHAT?! oh my he a ROBOT?!

after I had a little mental breakdown, I began to think of a plan. a stupid one, but it just might work...

"guys throw your weapons at him!" I yelled. they looked confused for a second, but then they all threw their weapons at him like a javelin, and they all pierced his armour. little sparks were coming out of the places where the weapons were thrown.

how did I not notice this before! I mentally facepalmed myself and then yelled my next order.

"Don, do you still have those electric throwing stars?" I asked donnie. he nodded and threw them at him. instead of him being electrocuted, wires just started to burn out. his inhuman eyes dripping with venom.

after what seemed like forever, he stopped moving. his body tensed and he was standing as straight as a board. then, to my horror, the armored plate on his stomach OPENED UP. a pink brain thing climbed out and crawled away.

"wha- wha- wha-" I tried to say, but no words would come out. I was to suprised, creeped out, weirded out, ex.

Nicolas eyes were wide with fear, her body shaking slightly. no one talked for what seemed like forever. we were all just so surprised! I mean, our enemy for the last...who even knows how many years, was all along a little pink brain thing! my mind was swarming with so many thoughts I wanted to pass out.

finally after what seemed like forever, mikey spoke.


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