Chapter 5 - Lunch Fight

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A/N: Picture is of Hannah (left) and Ashley (right) picture is not mine

At the end of class I went to go meet Caroline and Amanda for lunch in the cafeteria, like we did during most days. I got to the entry to the cafeteria I craned my neck around to be able to try to see where they were sitting, as the room was already packed with people. It took me a moment or two but I eventually found them near the back of the room by the windows. I waved over to them once they saw me too, and headed across the room to join them. As I was walking over something popped out in front of me before I could stop myself, and I tripped landing on my hands and knees.

"Well, isn't that a bit better? You're in your proper place now," the voice sent a chill down my spine. Shit, I knew I wasn't going to be able to get away without her coming at me today. I looked over my shoulder and stared into the cold eyes of Ashley. She had a smirk on her face as the other people at the table laughed, including Felix who I noticed was sitting so close to her that I was surprised he wasn't on her lap. "On your knees, in front of someone of higher class. After all your nothing more than a drunk's daughter."

Okay, that one stung a bit. My father was an abusive drunk to my mother and I before my mother had finally called the police and got a restraining order on him. But by then it had made the school news, and made it into a small section of the towns newspapers. Everyone at school knew about it in no time. There was some sympathy, but the thing that has really stuck in my mind was all of the bullying and abuse that had escalated since that point. Most of it coming from the table that I was staring up at.

"I may be a drunk's daughter but you already have a new lap dog to lick your feet for you, so why don't you back off," I muttered to her as I stood back up and brushed myself off.

"After what you did, how can I?" Ashley replied standing up and taking a step towards me. Although I wasn't really sure what she was refering to, I could tell that this was starting to go down hill really fast.

"I don't know what you're talking about Ashley," I said quietly as I started to back away slowly while keeping my face neutral. I didn't want to start a fight if i didn't have to, mostly because I wasn't really all that good at fighting.

"Hey Janet, is everything alright?" I breathed a quiet sigh of relief when I heard Caroline's voice. Ashley might mess with me, but she knew better than to mess with Caroline. Caroline was a double black belt and was just starting to take up kickboxing and wrestling.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just tripped," I told her as I turned around to look at her. Caroline eyed me for a moment but eventually gave in and we walked back to the table that she was sitting at with Amanda.

"You really shouldn't just let them push you around, just call for me and I'll come help," Caroline said as she sat down at the table. I sighed and pulled my food out of my bag.

"No offense, but I don't want to make you out to be my bodyguard," I told her honestly, keeping my eyes on my food. Amanda and Caroline both burst out laughing, making me jump and look around at the two of them.

"You would make a good bodyguard," Amanda sputtered to Caroline through her laughter. Caroline couldn't stop her laughter long enough to reply so she just nodded. When Caroline got her laughter under control she turned to look at me.

"If I didn't want to defend you trust me I wouldn't, but you're my best friend so I would do it no matter what you said," Caroline said starting to get a bit more serious. She opened her mouth to say something else, but a loud bang interrupted her. We whipped around in our seats and looked towards where the noise had come from. I could see Felix trying to hold his own against Ashley's now ex boyfriend, Titus.

"Looks like the new guy is already stepping on people's toes," Amanda muttered and I could tell just by the sound of her voice that she was sticking her nose in the air. The fight ended quickly once the principal came into the cafeteria. "So, have either of you had a class with him?"

I'm guessing that Amanda didn't have a class with him since she was asking, Caroline and me. I could see Caroline shake her head, out of the corner of my eye, as she turned back around to the table. But I was still busy watching the aftermath of the fight. Everyone at the table seemed to be congratulating Felix on fighting with Titus, while Titus slumped back to the table with the rest of the baseball players. I kind of felt bad for the guy, cause I think that he really liked her.

"Hello? Earth to Janet, you still there?" Amanda asked as she was snapping her fingers. I slowly turned back around to face her before answering.

"Yeah I have a class with him," I muttered as I munched away at my food.

"Soo, what's he like?" Amanda asked leaning across the table with her head resting on her hands.

"He's a bigger ass then Titus was," I told her honestly. Her smile fell a bit, but she was now looking at me in a curious way.

"Janet, did something happen?" Amanda asked the devil light sparkled in her eyes, like it does when she knows she's going to hear something juicy. I opened my mouth to tell her but the bell for next class saved me from having to tell her what happened on the stairs.

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