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"We are five minutes away boss, I have found signals of his men at the area, not to many but a few to hold us back awhile." Daemon said in the back seat. I'm in the passenger side while Landon is driving down the dirt rode.

I keep having flashbacks of me kissing Jordan goodbye. I felt my lips go up and I shook my head.

I looked out the window and tensed when a hand clamped on my shoulder. I look over my shoulder and follow the hand and see it belong to Landon but he wasn't looking at me. He was just paying attention to the dirt rode.

"Oh never mind. The signals changed. They must've moved. We're now like ten minutes away." Daemon said. I rolled my eyes and continued to look out of the window. But looked back at Landon.

His hand squeezed,"Don't stress about it. We will get her." He said while he looked relaxed and not bother by these men we are going against.

"I know that we will get her, it's just." I limped on the seat,"it's just, I just wonder if Alfonso is really there. Or Alberto." My jaw clenched.

His hand tighten on my shoulder then slid off. "Don't worry about that. Just worry about how you are going fûckin kill that bîtch of a cousin."

I smirked,"I already know how."

"Slow down Landon. Turn off the head lights." Boss said from the back. The sun wasn't out yet. It's barely 4 in the morning. So when he turned off the head lights, it was completely black.

"They're a mile away. We will do a sneak attack like we have planned." Dameon said. I rolled my eyes because he always wants to be in charge.

Ha fûcker, he didn't even put you in charge in anything.

I smirked and turned around and see boss lighting up a cigar. His eye brows came together,"What are you waiting for? Me? Go."

Every one got out. The second car slowly pulled up next to us and shut down the car. The men climbed out. Me and Landon went to the back and grabbed the guns and checked if they were loaded.

I snapped the clip back on and I stared at Landon. He smiled at the gold of the bullets and snapped back the clip. He looked up at me and I gave him a nod. We walked side by side and boss finally came out while smoke came out. He tossed the rest of the stick on the ground and squished it.

He nodded his head and I nodded back.

"Fûck!" Landon hissed. I turned around and see his figure on the ground.

"What the fûck are you doing?!"

"I dropped my gun and I can't fûckin see!"

"Dumbass." I mutter under my breath. I went down on a knee but bit my lip when I landed on his gun. I grabbed it and walked up to him. I lifted his shirt up and shoved it at his chest.

"Lets go."

We all walked ahead with our guns ready for anything. Boss was ahead of everyone. We walked till we saw lights ahead. Boss held up his hand and we all stopped.

He lowered his gun and turned around. "It's nothing just fûckin shooting dummie-" his eyes grew huge and he coughed. He held his chest and we all grew confused.

"Boss?" He dropped to his knees and his eyes looked at us. I stepped back when he dropped right in front of me. "Boss?" I was about to touch his shoulder but he fell forwards and there was a bullet hole in the middle of his back with way to much blood coming out.

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