54| Being your Personal Trainer

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[54| Being your Personal Trainer]

Stepping through the automatic sensor doors, you were greeted by a gym staff member behind the front counter. They watched as you buzzed yourself in, you giving a small smile and entering the giant facility. It was something that you had become accustomed to for the past three months, seeing as you came here most days of the week. Whenever you had time off you'd find yourself here in the gym, pumping yourself on the treadmill or pushing yourself with the weights. It made you feel better about yourself, and the more you came, the more you didn't want to leave.

Well, that was the first reason why you came to gym, to feel good about yourself. The second reason was for your attractive personal trainer. His name was Niall, and he fitted in quite well with all of the other male trainers. Their bodies all tight and worked, and their arms basically bulging out of the shirts that could do no more than wrap themselves around the muscles.

And to top it all off, Niall was one of the nicest people you had ever met. He encouraged you to push harder for what you wanted and understood when you couldn't physically strain yourself anymore. And it was with his understanding personality that made you want to push yourself that bit farther, work a little harder. It felt like if you couldn't finish all the reps Niall had planned, that you'd be letting him down. So you did the best you could, and exceeded past your barrier at times. Though the soreness the next morning would tell you that it had been all worth it.

Slipping into the female toilets, you found one girl packing her bag away, the sweat on her body fresh from the sauna. Her toned arms and legs had you smile as you opened a spare locker. You didn't want to look like a bodybuilder, but you didn't want any excess fat on you either.

Whipping a towel over your shoulder and grasping onto your water bottle, you looked over yourself one last time in the mirror. You were ready, and you were going to burn some carbs today.

You came back out to the seating area to the gym, seeing your personal trainer waiting. He glanced at his watch before rubbing his hands together. A clipboard sat beside him and his appearance looked immaculate as always. The thing with Niall was, that he was so happy and so energised all of the time. It was something you wanted to be, to be happy and genuine as much as you could. Niall was somebody who you wanted to become like, so you aimed to try and be the best version of yourself that you could every day.

"Morning," you perked up, catching Niall's attention as he lifted his head. And as his eyes landed on you, his smiled his bright smile as always.

"Good morning (Your Name)." He greeted, pushing to his feet and looking down at you. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm good." And you were. And to prove so, you bit your bottom lip excited and swung back and forth on your feet.

"Did you have breakfast?" Niall asked as you nodded, his hand than reaching down to grab his clipboard. "What did you have?" When you first began training with him, you had a terrible diet; that you weren't going to lie. Your answer always used to be something like: pancakes, waffles, bacon and eggs fried in oil. But now, you seemed more confident with you answers.

"An apple and protein drink." Your favourite was the chocolate flavoured drink, you bought it consistently every time you ran out.

"Good." Niall grinned, scribbling something down on his clipboard. "Well, how about you get started." Nodding eagerly, you followed Niall to the carpeted floor section, where you always stretched out your limbs first. "Ok, so we're going to warm up your muscles before working them." He explained the same thing every time to you, but knowing he would have more than one client, you were sure that he did it now out of habit.

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