The guy i never thought i would fall in love with. {4}

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hey everyone!!!! sorry for nt uploadoin but here it is!!!!!!please forgive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Enjoy

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Chapter 4

Jake's P.O.V

Okay don't panic! Don't PANIC!

*- Oi! You there!

¬-- Who me?

*- yeh you

- wait a minute why can't I see you?

*- Cause I am your conscious you dumb, dumb! What's wrong with you? Can't you just handle a girl!

-- Yes I can!

*- Then why are you chickening out!

-- Okay I am so not chickening out!

*- Yes you are puck, puck, puck!!! Chicken!

-- Whatever!

"Hey nice room." Sarah complimented.

"Huh?......Oh thanks......" I said coming out of the fight I was having with my conscious. Fighting with my conscious? This girl is seriously messing with my brain!

"Jake! Sarah! Drew! Come on down! Its time to eat!

I love you MOM!!!!!

And then I saw Sarah get up and go down stairs. But then I didn't like her leaving the room. Yup she is already messing with my brain. Yea I got the Sarah disease, the side effects are- messing with your brain until you go crazy.

Drew's P.O.V

"Jake! Sarah! Drew! Come on down! Its time to eat!

URG! I HATE YOU MOM!!!!!!! She just ruined everything!!!!!!!!

Before opening the door I stopped. Oh no I am not letting Jake get to me and I went to my bedside table where my half eaten Hershey chocolate bar was. I took it and started eating. And got out of my room. When I went downstairs Sarah looked confused. Okay......I forgot about Sarah......How stupid of me?! Sarah was a smart girl and she could catch every lie I told, even my feelings for someone.

"You said you were in the kitchen" she said

"Now why do I see you coming down the stairs?"

Busted! Think! Think! Idiot THINK!

**-*sigh* tell her you had a chocolate bar in your room so you didn't bother coming down"

- Thanks man!

- Wait who are you?

**- I am your conscious.

- oh okay

Weird I am starting to talk to my conscious.

"I remembered that I had a chocolate bar in my room so I didn't bother coming down." I told her, saying the exact word my conscious told me to tell.

"Oh" she said and sat beside me and in front of Jake and I sat in front of Mom. And then I saw Jake was staring at me smiling, a smile saying 'Pity! Pity! Pity! Your plans didn't work! Ha-ha loser!' And I smiled back evilly and this smile was saying "Oh yea! There is plenty of time to get you, so don't call me a loser, call yourself loser, Loser!" And his smile faded. And I smiled back another smile which said "HA don't mess with your little brother Jake".

And then I realized some one was watching us. When I turned to look who it was, I sighed, Sarah who had an amused expression in her face was looking at me.

Sarah's P.O.V

Wow really I am feeling homely. The brothers are still the same never changing. The same brotherly love between them.

**- God! You sound like their mother!!!!

() - Wait what the? I have a conscious?

**- wow nice girl! You figured it out!

() - Uh...... thanks?

Weird I am talking to myself. Doesn't matter does it? Nope it doesn't.


After dinner we had a we call a 'family talk'. It's actually a get together between us. Me and Drew would always go outside and have fun looking at the stars and talk about a lot of stuff like crush, life, etc. sound pretty boring but its cool. And our parents play cards, whereas Jake is always out of this entire event.

Me and Drew were outside looking at the stars. It was always beautiful! We drank hot chocolate with marsh mellow. And started talking.

"So how is school did you find anyone?" I asked smiling.

"Nope, school is fine I am popular and girls go crazy on me! Hate it!" he said and sighed.

"You-." but was interrupted by a noise of a door closing. And when we turned around and saw Jake. WOW something really happened to him!

His gone coo-coo. What I mean is, he was coming to us with a big smile and a mug of hot chocolate in his hand. Yup he is gone coo-coo.

"Hey, guys can I join?" he asked. Me and Drew exchanged looks.

"Um......Sure! No biggy!" I said smiling.

He smiles back and sat beside me. Yup Mr. Jerk boy really is gone coo- coo.

Everything was silent. I mean come on! Someone has to break it! And that someone had to be me.

"So...... Drew......oh wait! What was I going to say again? Oh yea you will never change!" I said smiling at him. Yea Drew was one guy who didn't like girls all over him. When we were in pre-school, the girls would go crazy for him! It was impossible for him to get out of it, until we planned in grade 5 to act like we liked each other. It was fun. Then I looked over at Drew and a smile lit on his. Oh no! Not again! This kid is evil! I forgot to tell you that even we acted as if we liked each other but there were side effects......bad ones girls would glare at me, no one wanted to be my friend, and specially laughed at my geekness! Even the geeks laughed at me! The geeks! Unbelievable but yet true! Nothing happened to him! Only me the effect was on me! Why me?! What is he planning now?! I looked over at Jake and he was staring at Drew and Drew staring at him. Ookay......I am not involved in it. So that's good! I sighed in relieve. At that moment everything was cool until Drew started speaking. Not good.

He cleared his throat and me and Jake tensed.

"I have something to tell you guys. And will you help me with it?" he asked. Oh no! Not good! Not good at all!

Cliff Hanger!!!!!!!!!

Sorry again!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I know its short but couldn't help myself it looked perfect to stop here so I had too!!!

And vote and comment of course and after introducing all the main characters I will post there picture! And until then Cheeriyo!!


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