Chapter 5 - And Dating Starts Now

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A/N: Here's another chapter! Comment and vote, loves. Enjoy!


Dustin's POV

What the fuck did I just get myself into?

That's what I ask myself for the nth time as I watched Ashley's house from inside my car, waiting for him to come out. Damn those girls for making me agree to their stupid ideas. And why the fuck did I even said that I was that fag's boyfriend? What evil spirit possessed me to utter those disgusting words?

The look of defeat on Carter's face when I said that I was the boyfriend of his beloved fag was just priceless. I smirked at that. It's so disgustingly obvious that he was smitten by that guy with the way he looks at Ashley with those eyes discreetly.

I've known Daniel since first grade. We were best buds then, but drifted apart in our senior year in middle school when Ashley first transferred here. I watched as Danny looked at Ashley the first time the latter came into the room, introducing himself in the front. It was like his attention was piqued by the dark haired, icy blue-eyed boy, which was something since he wasn't one to notice his surroundings.

I had to admit, Ashley isn't bad to look at. In fact, it's the exact opposite. If you aren't looking closely, you would actually mistake him for a girl with a weird taste in clothing. But since he isn't, then let's not dwell in it, because I've got a pretty big problem in my plate right now. And that is the approaching guy towards my car.

I unlocked the passenger door and he opened it, sliding inside before slamming the car door shut with such force that the displays on my dashboard rattled. "What the fuck?!" I exclaimed in disbelief. "Don't start with me, Reggins. I'm not in the mood for childish banters." Ashley said coldly, making the hairs on my nape stand on edge.

I started the engine and pulled out of the curb and drove towards school, dreading the upcoming day. "So, what are we gonna do about this?" Ashley asked after a few minutes of complete silence. I took a glance at him to see he was looking outside the window, his chin rested on his palm.

"Beats me." I admitted, shrugging my shoulders for added effect. It was probably not a good idea, but whatever. Ashley snapped his head on my direction so fast, I thought he'd get a whiplash and the intensity of his glare actually made me uncomfortable.

"Will you stop staring at me like you're seconds away from castrating my balls?" I exclaimed and he only rolled his eyes, giving me one last look before returning his gaze outside. We were halfway towards school and I could feel the unease settle in my stomach as I kept on glancing at Ashley from the corner of my eye.

And then I was driving towards the parking lot of the school. I parked the car and my clammy hands gripped the steering wheel tight, making the knuckles turn white as I thought of things to escape this situation that I, myself, made.

"Hey," I heard someone call and I turned to my right, surprised that Ashley was still there, sitting with his head facing me. He had that unreadable face of his, which means that he's serious and doesn't take no bullshit.

"What are we gonna do now that we're already here?" He asked, his brows furrowed in a frown as he stared at me, anticipating my answer to his question that I, too, do not have an answer to. I sighed. "Honestly, I don't know."

"Then we're definitely screwed. I really don't want to get on those girls' bad side, you know. I really want to keep my sanity with whatever it is they've planned as punishment." Ashley said, shuddering at the thought of the punishment.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad. Don't be such a pussy." I said, rolling my eyes at his over reaction about all this. He met my eyes and scrunched his nose up in disgust before saying, "you don't know how those girls think. You'll be surprised with what their capable of doing."

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