Chapter 1- The Patient

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" Mrs. Park, you need to see this".

" What is it?".

" This files ma'am, you got a new patient".

" A boy?".

" Yes, but be careful ma'am, he's a bit of..".

" A bit of what?".

" He's dangerous".


" Jisan! Come here!", Mrs. Park called her daughter.

" Coming!", Jisan shouted from the upstairs. She ran down, heading to where her mother is sitting. " Yes mother?".

" Well, I know you wanted to visit the Asylum", Mrs. Park said while scanning the papers.

" Uhmm yes, why?", Jisan asked, a smile appearing on her face. She really wanted to see the Asylum because, her wish is to become a doctor like her mother. Or, she wanted to know the situation of the patients in an Asylum.

" I'm taking you there today", her mother said with a smile. Her face brightened with a grin.

" Really? Thanks mom!", she said as she hugged her mom.

" Okay, go prepare yourself", Mrs. Park said. Jisan ran upstairs and prepared. She wore a simple jacket and jeans, and her converse. After that, she got her purse and phone. Excited, she went down again.

" I'm prepared! Are we going now?", she asked. Her mother nodded. They went to the garage and started the car. " I can't wait!".

Mrs. Park smiled. She really loved her daughter. She supported her on what she wanted. Even though, Jisan is adopted and had this past. Dark past. Mrs. Park remembered when she first saw Jisan, crying. Her body so thin, full of wounds. That made her heart melt and adopted her immediatley.

They arrived at the Asylum. Mrs. Park parked the car. Now, Jisan went out of  the car and waited for her mother. They went inside the Asylum. Jisan can't stop looking at the locked doors and how it looked like. It is not that much as what she was expecting. It's a bit dark and some guards at the door.

They stopped walking. Mrs. Park is talking to a girl.

" Patient 95 is fine ma'am, well..he just..he just..", the girl said but whispered to her. " Killed someone". Mrs. Park eyes widened. She can't believe on what she had heard. Patient 95 is indeed, a very dangerous person. Jisan was curious on what the girl whispered to her mother. She tried to forget it, but her eyes caught someone.

She walked to the files. There was a picture, showing a young man with brown hair. His facial features tells that he is about 20 years old and above. She looked at the file. V. Patient 95. That was the only name written in the space.

" Jisan, what are you doing there?", her mother asked. She pointed at the picture.

" Is this the patient you are talking about?", she asked. Her mother nodded.

" Well, he is..young right? ", Mrs. Park said averting her eyes to the picture. Jisan nodded.

" I wonder what is his story, I mean, why is he here", Jisan said. Mrs. Park sighed. Her daughter is full of thoughts. Jisan's expression changed. " His story".

" Well, listen to me Jisan, if you don't mind, you can stay here first while I go check patient 95, okay?", Mrs. Park said. " Don't worry, I'll get back". She made her assurance and went to the door with a number 95 on it.

Jisan just stared at the door. The guard smirked. " Ya curious about him?". Jisan frowned. " You ain't gonna like him, he's". She stared at the picture again. He doesn't look dangerous. He looks like an angel.

After 15 minutes, he heard someone shouted inside the room. She saw a man came out of the room with bloody hands. She noticed it was room 95. She stood up and ran but her mother came out. Her expression is weird.

" Mom what happened?", she asked. Her mother sighed and looked back at the door.

" Patient 95 is not that easy to handle, he stabbed one of the guards ", Mrs. Park said. Jisan froze in horror.

" Did he die?", she asked. Mrs. Park shook her head no. Jisan sighed in relief. " Good that you are safe mom".

" Yes", Mrs. Park simply said. " I'll talk to my assistant, wait here". Jisan sat down and waited.

While waiting, thoughts wailed inside her head. She was so curious about this patient. She knew he was dangerous since she heard that he stabbed one of the guards. But other thought lingered. She wanted to help him. Just like what her mother is doing. But Jisan knows that her mother would not let her go near that patient.

Her mother arrived again with other papers on her hand.

" Mom I want to help you", Jisan said. Her mother looked at her while raising a brow.

" Help me with what?", Mrs. Park asked.

" Help you with Patient 95, with V, I want to help you help him to become normal again", Jisan explained. Her mother sighed.

" But, he is dangerous, can't you see? He just stabbed a person? ", Mrs. Park said.

" Well, he wouldn't do it unless that person insults him or there is something in that person that made the patient stabbed him, what if the guard is mocking him? ", Jisan asked.

" He is insane Jisan, that's why he stabbed the guard", Mrs. Park said.

" He might be but I am sure that there is something bothering him", Jisan said. " That's why I wanted to help".

Mrs. Park looked at her daughter. She wasn't expecting that her daughter would talk like that. She indeed, can feel, Jisan's eagerness on helping her. Sighing, she planned on accepting her daughter's offer.

" Okay, but, please, always be careful okay?", Mrs. Park said. Jisan smiled.

" Yes mother, I will, and thank you", she said.



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