Zodiac signs in class

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Aries- Always Yelling (me)

Taurus- Corrects the teacher.

Gemini: Not in class, they skipped.

Leo: Hitting on someone. Always.

Virgo: Trying to get a good grade but annoyed at everyone else.

Libra: Not paying attention. They have better things to do.

Scorpio: Thinking about...something....pissed about something.

Sagittarius: Sitting at the back of the class. Bored.

Capricorn: Daydreaming or giggling or both and also maybe singing.

Aquarius: with friends or kicked out of the class because of laughing at your own joke but still getting good grades.

Pisces: working hard and paying attention because their future life is really important to them.

Cancer: Starring at their crush and doodling.

End of chapter
Ok, so I hope you enjoyed this one, I don't usually yell in class but....OKAY! So make sure to put what you are doing in class in the comments! I will see you next chapter!

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