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"Good night baek, see you tomorow "chanyeol said
"Okay good night" I said then I opened the door of my apartment.

I took a shower and changed my clothes then I went to bed but l couldn't sleep l still think about it, I still can't forget about what happened three years ago,I still can't forget about her.

3 years ago

I was waiting her in our favorite cafe, I was really happy when she called me and told me that she wants to see me.
I missed her so much, we couldn't see each other because we were busy, I was busy working while she was busy with her family I don't know what she was doing with her family she just told me that.

I was working so much just for her, we will graduate this year and I promised her that I will Merry her after we graduate, that's how much i love her

But there was a problem, that she is the doughter of the most rish man here in Korea, and I was just a poor boy working a waiter in a cafe, we met in the school two years ago I fell in love with her in the first sight but I was so shy to go to her and confesse my feelings for her she was so popular and I was just a poor boy .

But then I decided to confess to her and unexpectedly she accepted me ,I was so happy when she told me that she likes me back, we started dating we were so happy but I was so afraid of her parents that they wouldn't accept me because she was very rish and I was just a poor guy but she told me not to be afraid and she will always be with me.

My thoughts got cut of when the door of the cafe opened and the most beautiful girl I have ever seen came in.

she is so beautiful ahhh how can I be this lucky and have her

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she is so beautiful ahhh how can I be this lucky and have her.

She came to me, I stood up to hug her but she turned her face and sit down, what's wrong with her???
"We need to talk" she said as I sit down too, facing her
"Talk about what??" I asked confused ,what's wrong with her today?

"about us" she replied with a cold voice.
"What?!!"I asked again seriously what is she talking about .
"Let's break up"she said.
And I felt that the whole world crashed down, my chest thighed and my eyes teared .

"Stop joking this is not funny" I said still have a hope that she is just joking.
"I am not joking ,I am getting married soon,we can't be together anymore."she said with a cold tone.
"What??! you are getting married "I said, I can't believe it she is getting married to another one that is not me.

"Yes" she replied .I felt my tears in my cheeks I can't hold it anymore i cried in front of her.
"Why" I asked her between my crying
"my dad wants me to Merry him and -----" I don't want to hear what she will say so ran outside the cofe .

She promised ,she promised me that she will merry my and only me now she broke her promise.

I didn't realize that I was in the middle of the street and there is a car which is coming toward me, I just stood there frozen until someone pushed me.

I fell in the street, I looked back to see what is just happened, and here I saw the worsed thing I ever seen, I saw the girl who I most love lying there with blood around her.

"No no no no this not happening no" I rushed towards her and hold her between me arms.
"Taehee,Taehee please answer me" I pleaded while crying.
"B-Baek"she said weakly .
"Yes yes my love iam here" I hold her tightly .
"I-i-iam s-sorry" she said .
"No no don't say sorry, you will be alright, don't worry" .
She shook her head weakly .
"N-no, i-a-am sorry my d-dad forced me to m-marry this guy w-when h-he found about us a-and he told m-me that he will kill y-you if I didn't leave y-you, i-iam sorry b-b-baekhyun i-i love you so much always remember that" then she cloesed her eyes slowly
"No no no no taehee don't leave me alone I can't live without you please Taehee don't leave me " I cried so much while huging her.
"I love you so much Taehee please don't leave me " I cried until I fainted .

Back to present

Taers starts to come from my eyes while remembering what happend. I hope someday I find someone who will make me forget about her .

Author note
Hey guys thank you so much for reading, iam sorry if this is not good it's actually my first story , and iam also sorry if my grammar not that good English is not my first language soo yaeh, thank you again for reading this,love you 😘😘😍

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