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Sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes:) I have changed a couple of things from the show!! Where I am writing this they have not had there first kiss yet.

They were on another mission, but this one was diffrent felicity could feel the sexaual tension between her and Oliver.

They arived in paris to follow up a lead. None of them had ever been but Sara.
Sara, laurel, Thea, Dig, Oliver and Felicity all climbed out of the SUV. They were staying in this farm house right outside of town, to stay unnoticed. "This place is huge" laurel exclaimed. "There's a pool laurel! How long has it been since we went swimming?" Sara said while holding open the door for everyone.

They all had to share rooms Thea with felicity, Sara and laurel and dig and Oliver together. Each room had there own bathroom, the rooms were big. They had walk in closets, bunk beds and a large open area. All the rooms were in the same hall, you walked out of the room down the hall there was a large kitchen. There were microwaves, pizza ovens, toasters anything you could think of there was. The kitchen led into a sizable sitting area with a massive t.v.

After they all had unpacked all the girls except felicity ran to the store to get food for tonight's meal.

Oliver and dig were in there room, they had the door open when they heard a knock. "Can I come in" asked a light but passionate voice. She could tell dog had taken the bottom bunk as he had put up a picture of him and his brother. He also had a lot more stuff then Oliver for Oliver never bothered to pack much, she thought that was partly him learning to live without much when he was away.

"Of corse" said a rough voice " why didn't you go with the girls"? Said dig in the same rough tone. "I grew up eating out, so I don't think I could be of much help with the whole shopping thing"!

"Where's Oliver at"?

"He's in the shower still he is having a rough day, lots of flashbacks"

"That's not good, maybe some food will help him" she said as Oliver walked out with only a towel rapped around his waist. His body was wet and she couldn't help but stare, oh how much she wanted him. "Sorry I didn't know you were in here, felicity" she loved the way his voice made her name sound.

"Felicity, felicity" dig said as she came back to reality. "Sorry what?" She looked around the room and her face fell when she realized Oliver had left the room. "You zoned out again, I'm going to go help the girls unload the groceries so you two can talk"! He said with a little laughter in his voice. Why did he think her falling for him so badly was funny?

He walked back into the room fully dressed. She walked over to the mirror on the wall and looked at herself she was wearing a slim purple dress with a x shaped hole in the back. "Can I talk to you Oliver" came out without her thinking about it. "Of corse what about?" Oliver had turned around from the bed and walked over to her and was now standing behind her. She didn't notice this until she had looked up from her feet back to the mirror. She slowly turned around.

They were so close, closer then ever before expect when she gave him a hug but that didn't count in her mind. "About you" she said. "Okay" he said uncertain where this was going. "What about me". She took a deep breath in and then with all the strength she had she grabbed his hand and locked them in hers. "Dig told me that you've been having a rough day" she looked right up into his eyes. "You know you can talk to me right? About anything! I'm here for you, after all I'm your girl." This brought a smile to his face. "I know and I love that your here for me" he pulled her into a hug something she has always had to do. His hands were on her bare back, his neck sinking into her neck. They slowly pulled away after what was way to long of a hug for just friends. He locked his eyes with hers. He leaned in and she met him half way. It was real and in that moment she knew she wasn't falling in love she was in love. He quickly pulled away. "I'm sorry I shouldn't of done that, we work together." Her heart fell and he walked away leaving her in his room.

She went straight to her room, not to cry or to listen to sad music no to think. She was replaying the events that had just occurred in her head. As she knew Oliver for a while now and they had become close so it was a little hard for her to believe that Oliver, who had been hurt so much before would hurt her like that. She thought he must have a better reason then "we work together" and she was gonna find out what it really was.

A couple hours had passed and she was still in her and Thea's room with the door shut when dig came and knocked on the door.

"Felicity?" He sounded concerned. "Yeah" was all she replied with. "Can I come in?" She really just wanted to be alone but she knew if she said that there would be a hell of a lot more questions to answer. "I guess if you want to" she finally said with a tone. The door opened slowly and in walked dig. "You have been holed up in this room ever since I left you to talk with Oliver." She looked down at her laptop that was on her stomach, she was still laying on her bed. "Yeah I know just had some thinking to do, that's all" he didn't believe her but he could tell that she wasn't ready to talk about it. So he played along. "Okay. What are you working on then?" He asked while walking away from the door closer to her top bunk. She quickly shut her laptop. "Nothing of your concern" he threw his hands up jokingly "okay okay you don't have to tell me". He put his elbows on the bed to hold his head up. "Come eat with us. Thea made pasta and pizza." She looked at him "I'm okay dig I'm not hungry, tell Thea I said thank you for going through all of that.

After the kiss Oliver was star struck. He wanted her for so long and then what does he do he gets her actually gets her and sends her on her way again. He went to talk to Thea about this. Thea knew how much he was in love with her and if there's anything that kiss proved is that he was in love deeply in love.

As he opened the door to leave his room Thea was standing right there. "Oh hey! I was coming to get you dinner is ready." He was going to sit next to felicity he had to. As they were walking in to the kitchen the doorbell rang. Oliver said he would get it. He slowly opened the door and low and behold it was Roy.

Roy had been gone for weeks now on a separate mission. He had finally finished the mission. Thea came running over and gave him a huge hug. Everyone greeted him, Felicity finally came out and gave him a small but heart warming hug. "Let's eat!!" Thea said while leading everyone into the kitchen.

They all had gotten there plates and all there food and sat down. "Hey Roy you can sleep in Thea'a room. I will sleep on the couch. I'm sure you two have some catching up to do." Exclaimed felicity. "No really it's okay" Roy said even though you could tell he wanted to be with Thea. "Nope, I'm sleeping on the couch" she said as she took a big bite of pasta. "Thank you it means a lot".

The rest of the dinner felicity didn't say a word. No one noticed, they were all engaged in there own small talk.

Felicity was a little upset that Oliver sat right next to her.

Everyone had finished eating and now we're just talking. Then she felt a bare foot rub against her freshly shaved legs. She didn't think anything of it as she thought it was an accident. Until it happened a second and a third. She knew that the only person who could be purposefully doing this was right next to him so she slowly looked over and smiled. "Yes is there something you need"

"Yes, you." He said it so quickly she didn't even have time to process what he had just said before he said "we need to talk but alone" she looked him in the eyes and nodded.

"How about we go for a night swim" Oliver suggested to the whole group. For he needed to talk to felicity alone. "But we will have to come back in soon so we can watch the new American ninja warrior episode" Sara said. "We could win that thing Oliver" but he was long gone he was changing into his swim suit. "Felicity do you need to get your stuff out of the room?" Roy asked. "Yeah it will only take a minute".

They were all ready! They had suits on and had towels they walked outside. It was dark with a bright full moon. The pool was in a huge 8 form. With a hot tub right to the side. Felicity was standing there when out of nowhere she heard "I know where a secret room in the house is so you don't have to sleep on the couch." Whispered into her ear.

Him whispering into her ear really turned her on, but she didn't know why. They were all in the pool for hours. When Roy said "let's go it's on". They all ran inside. Except for Oliver and felicity.

Thoughts comments?? More coming

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