Chapter Two:

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"How long do we wait for Erin to wake up and see that Holtzy likes her or for Holtz to admit she likes Erin?"

Patty asked, looking up from the maps earning a sigh from Abby.

"If Erin can't see that Holtz has been checking her out at odd hours of the day then she's more clueless than I am." Abby retorted with a sigh, looking up from what she was working on.

"Then again, this is Erin we're talking about."

Patty let out a laugh at that.

"Your right, if she doesn't see that Holtz is flirting or any of the other twenty things Holtz does in a day then she's either blind or crazy."

"who's blind or crazy?"

They both glanced at each other at that.

"A friend of mine. She's a bit dense when it comes to Romance."

Patty retorted, earning a snort.

"She's not the only one."

Abby just glanced over at the taller woman and tried to hide her smirk.

"Isn't that the truth."

She muttered, turning her attention back to the maps she and Patty had been working on.

"Did you say something? Did you turn down what's his name again?"

Erin asked, causing Abby to scoff.

"I told you, him and everyone else who had the will to ask, I'm not interested in romance."

Abby retorted, earning a smirk.

"Whatever you say."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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