Your story: part 3

Start from the beginning

"what's this favor?" Acedia asks what they all wanted to know, you then forget what was happening before, awaiting his answer.

"it's more of a burden really" the man says

"burden?" you ask before anyone else had the chance to,

"i will need all of you, all seven of you to bare my sins" the man explains, everyone just looks around at each other confused, 

what's he going on about? you ask yourself

"what's the price?" Avaritia asks, you all look at him slightly shocked 

"the price, yes. you will all be unable to die as well as age and you all gain a certain power, the power will most likely be random or it will depend on your personality" the man replied, we all looked at him in disbelief,

"i suppose i should prove myself" the man says as he walks towards Hubris' motionless body and reaches his hand out to touch hubris' head but Avaritia quickly grabs it before he can make contact.

"what are you doing?"  Avarita asks while glaring up at the man, we all just look at them,

"i'm going to bring him back, do you not want me to?" the man asks

"no, bring him back" Avarita loosens his grab around the man's arm and sits back down, the man nods then proceeds to place his hand on Hubris' forehead. A few seconds later the man whispers something

"cancer of the lung" the man whispers,

"what was that?" you ask unsure of what he had said before he could answer, a bright white light began surrounding both Hubris and the man, everyone began to move away and we all just stared in awe. A few moments later the light died down, the man then backed away and we moved our eyes to hubris's who's chest was moving up and down indicating he was breathing, 

"HUBRIS!" we all scream simultaneously, we all then rushed over to him, everyone began shaking him trying to wake him up, but he wouldn't. we all turn and look at the man.

"hey! old guy why isn't he waking up?!" Lux yelled at the man,

"he is only sleeping but he will awake once you all agree to take my sins" the man states,

"bullshit! wake him up now!" Avaritia yells, and starts to get up and walk to the man but you also get up and quickly stop him by running in front him and pushing him.

"stop it Avarita! all we have to agree for him to wake up, right?" you turn to the man and await his response, he then nod's,

"see!" you say as you turn back to Avaritia his face softens a bit, then he looks away,

"so can we all just agree?" you turn to everyone, they all nod.

"okay" you turn back to the man,

"i agree" you say, you then turn back to everyone,

"i agree" Avaritia whispers

"i also agree!" Gula shouts 

"me to i agree" Lux says

"i agree" Acedia says

"me to, i agree" Vainglory whispers, it had been the first time any of us had heard her speak besides Acedia, so we just looked at her for a moment, causing her to get uncomfortable,

"i almost forgot to mention, there is a way to kill you because there has to be balance, you see no living creature can live without dying. One of you has a weapon inside of them and they will be able to kill you" the man explains, we then all look at each other and let out a little laugh, 

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