Your Life Story

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3rd Person P.O.V

You are a (Y/G) named (Y/N) that lives in a big contrary called (Y/C). You work in an office to decide if people are getting a job or not, pretty boring job but it earned you lots of money. You were very lucky to get that job because your family was very poor.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I was running late for work and I was so scared because this would be my 3rd strike, and then I would get fired so I have to hurry up! My mum was driving me to my work but she was so worried for me that she went over the speed limit and got stopped by the police. My mum said "excuse me sir but we have to get going, my daughter is very late for work and will get fired if we don't get there in time"." And how can we trust you"? Said the police man. "You see we are very poor and me and my daughter are working very hard to earn all the money we can and her job depends on our life"!, my mum said.
"Well can we at least get some ID please"? "Sure, oh wait, I forgot my driving license"!, my mum whispered to me.
"It's OK mum I have your licence" I said. "Oh thankyou so much (Y/N)", said my mum. "OK ok you can get going now" said the police man. Thankyou bye

Police Man's P.O.V

We saw these two females in a blue BMW and were going over 90mph and had to stop them. The mother said to us: we have to go my daughter is very late for her work and that they were both poor and bla bla bla. So we asked for ID and we let them go. "lucky them!".

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