chapter 8 How we met

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Sooooo here is a new chapter. This is very short Sooooo....... Sorry if it sucks

"It was 7 years ago, fredella told me that I need to have a familiar. So she sent me to the the south east part of the mountains, she said there will be 2 young boys who can turn into an eagle and a tiger."


So.. Is this their hide out?


Now all I gotta do is make them my familiars right?


And how do I do that?

By kissing the on the lips

"WHAT" I screamed

But it's true, and don't be so loud

Ups, sorry. But why kiss on the lips?

I don't know

What do you mean you don't know!!

Just go there and negotiate with them will ya.

Okay fine but jus-

No one P.O.V

Alexa then blacked out. She was hit with a log on the head from behind.

"Is she dead?" Asked a boy with orange hair and cat like eyes

"Of course not you idiot" answers the brown haired bow with mixed match eyes

"Not let's bring her to our hide or so we can interrogate her" the brown haired boy said picking her up bridal style.

~le time skip~

The boys then put Alexa on the ground and chain her up. To a big rock. Their hide out was in a huge cave.

"Umm Daiko, what are we going to do?"

"I don't know"

"Is she going to hurt us?"

"Like I said I don't know yukine"


"Shut up, she's going to wake up"

After yukine scream Alexa woke up

Alexa P.O.V

I slowly opens my eye lids only to see two boys. One with brown hair and mixed match eyes and one with a orange hair with black stripes and brown-yellow Ish cat like eyes.

He kinda look like a tiger...

A very weak one if you asked me

Maybe they're the familiar that fredella was talking about.

"Great, you wake her up" the boy with brown hair said sarcastically

"I'm sorry" said the tiger like boy

The other one just sigh and glared at me

"Who sent you and what are you doing here?" He asked me

"Umm no one sent me, and I'm here to make you my familiars" I said with a close eye smile

End flashback

"Wait... that's it!" Jae-ha stated

"Well you asked my how we met not how they become my familiars" at this point I'm already finished with my soup

"Well then how did they become your familiars?" Asked yona

"Long story short, I fought them for dominance, yukine almost killed me and Daiko chased me until I fall of a cliff. Then I kissed them on the lips"

Das it

Sorry if it sucks 😫

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