Chapter 4: The Clumsiest Cheerleader

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Chapter 4: The Clumsiest Cheerleader

I wake up to my alarm clock playing my favorite pump up song “Me & My Girls” by Fifth Harmony. At first I’m confused why I would choose this song for a school day, but then I see my cheer uniform laid out and remember today is the big rally. The song stops suddenly to let me know I got a text message. “I’ll pick you up at your house at 7:30.” it was from Ryan. I text back a quick okay and start brushing my hair out. When I decide it perfect I put in up a high pony. Next I slip into my cheer uniform. It fits me perfectly and I just love the way skirt moves when I tumble. After I put my cheer shoes on, do my makeup, finish packing my backpack, and give everything a second look to make sure its perfect. I pick up the head cheerleader bow. All the other girls have blue bows with a yellow SP on the left side, but my is yellow with a blue SP and on the right side it says Captain in blue. I put it on slowly savoring the first time I get to perform with it. This bow is what I’ve worked since I was a freshman. I stand there smiling at my reflection when I hear the doorbell ring. I grab my backpack and rush down the stairs.

I open the door and Ryan leads me to his Chevy blue pickup. “Cat’s got your tongue?” I ask as Ryan opens the door for me. “Nah its just you look great,” He says as sits down and starts the car, “but not as great as me.” I look over to see that his jersey shows off his six-packed, rock hard stomach nicely and his sandy blonde hair falls lightly over his forehead, but not low enough to cover his eyes. We stare at each other for a couple seconds, but I break the moment when I scream, “Ryan! Look out for that car!” He pulls the truck a hard left and we narrowly miss collision. “Damn Jordan! This is why you can’t go around looking all pretty. It distracts me.” He says lightheartedly and our teasing friendship is back.

We chat until we arrive at school. “Coach Jones said to meet him in the basketball gym,” I gulp as I climb out of the car. “Okay cool. Lets head over there.” Ryan says nonchalantly. “You’re coming with me?” I look up at him. “Yeah, I’ve got your back best friend. Plus I can’t let you take my spot as coaches favorite.” He playfully punches my arm and when I don’t respond and keep walking he grabs my arm and spins me around so that I’m facing him and our bodies almost touch, “I won’t let anything happen to you Jordan. I promise.” I could’ve sworn he started moving closer to kiss me maybe, but I probably just imagined it. “Hey Jordan!” I heard voice call from behind me. I turn around and bump heads with Andrew. We both start laughing, but when Ryan grabs my arm to steady me he looks annoyed. “Hi Andrew. I didn’t know you knew my name.” I say shyly. “Of course I know your name. You’re Jordan Bradley! The head cheerleader, and your smart and pretty.” He says kind of stuttering at the end. All three of us start walking towards the gym. I was going to stand by Andrew, but when I bent down to grab my backpack Ryan was already talking to him about the new playbook.

Coach Jones was waiting outside of the gym with a blue and a white jersey. “Uh, normally we let kids choose what number they are based by size, but we only have one extra small.” Coach says as he holds up the jerseys with the number 13 on it, “Wear the blue one today over your cheer uniform when we do all the football stuff at the rally.” He hands me the jersey and tells us to go walk around since the gym isn’t quite ready. Just then I see Holly walking with some of the other cheerleaders. “Oh my gosh Jordan! You look great!” she squeals when she sees us. “You look amazing though Holly!” I reply. “Oh hey Ryan. You look nice.” She says batting her eyelashes. I realize Holly has a crush on Ryan, my best friend! “What no love for your brother?” Andrew asks. “Eww back off you idiot!” Holly exclaims. We all laugh as the cheerleaders start heading to meet our coach. “I’ll catch up with you guys later!” I yell over my shoulder as we walk away.   

“So guess what girls?” Holly says slyly, “Andrew likes you Jordan!” “Really? He likes me?” I ask cautiously. “Yeah totally! I think he is going to ask you to the Bonfire tonight!” She says excitedly. “And you would be totally okay if started dating because I don’t want too...” “Of course, silly. I think it would great if you guys dated!” Holly says cutting me off. Just  then we saw our cheer coach. We all ran over to her screaming. She went through our routine again with us and told us to be back at the gym at eight.

We continue wandering around until we bump into Andrew and Ryan. “Hey Ryan, could you show me how to throw a football?” Holly asks twirling her hair on a finger. “Uh, sure. Let’s go over here,” Ryan replies and leads the group to an empty patch of grass. I start walking over there when I feel someone grab my waist, “Hey hold up Jordan.” I turn to face Andrew. He looks nervous and start doing the cute thing where he ruffles his hair. “Uh do you want to go to the bonfire tonight?” “Like on a date?” “Yeah, I guess so.” “It would be my honor,” I look up and smile at him. “Hey Andrew! Get your butt over here! Holly needs something to throw at!” Ryan yells and we jog over there. He help correct Holly form, but he seems far off and he glance at me every couple seconds.

I look down at my iPhone. 7:57. “Girls! We're going to be late!” I yell and start sprinting to the gym. Everyone takes off and I’m leading the pack, but Andrew is getting closer. Suddenly I trip over a rock and almost fall down to the ground. Luckily Andrew grabs my arm and throws me on his back, “Jordan Bradley you are the world’s clumsiest cheerleader!” “Or I am the luckiest football player!” He carries me all the way to gym. Andrew sets me down and I start to walk into the gym until Ryan yanks me back.

“Jordan what's going on?” “What do you mean? Oh Andrew. He asked me to the bonfire tonight! Isn’t that great?” I say excitedly. “Great? Great? I can’t believe you!” Ryans yells and storms and walks off. I sprint to catch him. “Ryan, what’s wrong with you today?” He looks down at me and I can tell his bright blue eyes are staring into my grey ones, almost as if he was looking for something. “It’s nothing.” We walk into the rally together and don’t say another word, but thats how our friendship is sometimes we can’t stop talking and others time we are silent. We’re always there for each other no matter what though. We sit down in the football section. I throw my jersey over my head making sure not to mess up my hair. Andrew’s on my left and Ryan’s on my right. We sit and wait.

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