ɔɦɑρʇəʀ 32- The Last Chapter

Start from the beginning

🎩"Then what happened? I never got to see Snowflake's demon form. How sad."

😷"You'll get to see it some day. And by the way, you're lucky you haven't seen her demonic formation though."

🌲"Chilling to the bones, man. Chilling to the bones."

🎩"Says the human who gets scared by just zombies."


🎩"I heard that."

🌲"Don't care dude."

🌠"The story! When the other guy that was always with Evina w-"

🎩"Dave, Shoo-"

🌠"When Dave saw what was happening between the two demons, he changed his outfit to a hot one and left the battle with us. He went to fight (Y/n) while being hot then shot fireballs at her hotly but stopped like hot-"

😷"Wow, Mabel. The heck is wrong with you calling an enemy hot?"

🌠"That's what (N/n) said when she fangirled about Bill being handsome, and he was our enemy."

🎩"(smirks devilishly), really? How come I don't know?"

🌠"I don't know. Maybe you're a not-an-all-knowing dream demon (snickers)."

🎩"Maybe you want your head mounted on my mansion wall.(smirks, grins, then chuckles)"

(😷🌲 chuckles with Bill)

🌲"Mabel, the story! We've been here for almost 20 minutes!"

🌠"What?! Fine, I don't wanna be here just telling stories. So (Y/n) stopped him and they faced each other-"

🎩"Goddamit! Don't tell me they-"

😷"Goddamit Cipher. They didn't, but worse happened. So keep listening."


🌠"So this is what (Y/n) exactly said,

'And from the moment an hour ago, I thought you really liked me.'
Then Dave said, 'Yeah, what about it?'
Then she said, 'I was thinking about it, and since Bill is dead and all, I want you to be my NEW BOYFRIEND!'


🌲"Haha, betrayed! Burn, demon."

😷"I think he already is."

(Back to 3rd Person POV)

They all looked at Bill and sees he was red like before. Then right on the moment (Y/n) steps in with an ice cream.

"Hey guys!" She said before she processed what was happening. Her face brightened then smiled at the mad man. "What's wrong, Bill?" She smiled innocently. "We were at the part of the story with you and Dave in it." Raven stated.

(Y/n)'s mouth was open, shocked."Uh, well, a-about that...JustcontinuethestorywithoutmedontworryBillIstillloveyoupleasedontbemad!" She said and ran to the forest.

"(Y/N)!!!" Bill shouted then dashed to look for the girl.

"You think its gonna end well?" Dipper asked, worried.

"Oh, please. I've seen so much movies that I know how this will end." Mabel said, smiling evilly while her braces show.

(To you and Bill)

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