Grass Girl From Far Away

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"Oh, you're looking for her? The ticking time bomb is in her dorm", Kaname said, with a little smile crawling up his face. Aido froze, slowly looking up at Shiki's room, as a slight breeze blew into the room the two were in.

"Who's the ticking time bomb?", a dangerous voice echoed through the hallway. Kaname continued to drink his warm tea that soon froze into ice. He placed his frozen tea on the table, and turned his head to look face to face with Shiki. Her arms turned transparent, with a blue neon glow and robotic stripes running down her arm.

"I'm sorry, but I am not a bomb, just so you know. Thanks to me, you and Yuki are living in Cross Academy again", Shiki said with her veins popping on her forehead. Right now, Yuki was sleeping in Shiki's dorm, because a boy shouldn't have a girl in his dorm at the academy.

"Just so you know, I am one of the bride candidates for the Vampire King that I probably won't even like", Shiki snorted. She plopped herself down on the couch, next to Kaname and Aido. She sulked, as Aido patted her back with sympathy. Kaname picked up a book and began reading it.

"Thank you Aido, for being such a good friend, unlike this cold heartless bimbo named Kaname Kuran", Shiki cried. She wiped her tears away, and a smirk grew on her face. She lifted her index finger from her right hand and swung it towards Kaname. The cup of tea defrosted and liquefied and splashed itself on Kaname's face. Aido's jaw dropped down to the ground as Shiki started bursting out with laughter. Kaname sighed, but as he stood up, a wind blew by and his clothes dried.

"See, you should thank me", Shiki boasted. The brunette rolled his red eyes and sat back down. However, the doors to the dorm slammed open with a loud bang. Zero ran into the dorms as he usually does when there is trouble. The three of us stood up and ran, following him. The silver haired boy lead us to the garden, where many students were being entangled with green vines, as the ground shifted itself.

"Don't tell me its the green one the guy told me about", Shiki muttered, cutting the Day Class students away from the vine's grip. She placed both hands above her head, and dark, stormy clouds formed above the chaos. Then, lightning struck the plants, burning them out. However, the ground continued to shift.

"Oh my, you must be the penguin that controls weather that the woman told me about", a stuck up voice said, echoing through the forest. A girl with green hair and purple eyes, and horns along with a weird suit came out from the behind a huge boulder in the forest. 

"To think that you are such a peasant vampire compared to a aristocrat like me-"

Aido rushed towards her with a sword made from ice, and held it against her throat. His icy blue eyes were cold as the winter weather, as he glared at the green haired girl.

"Such an aristocrat like you shall not disrespect my Lady, Shiki Tsukumo", he said with, of course, an icy tone. The girl's eyes widened like saucers, as she slowly looked at Shiki, who definitely did not looked pleased.

"She... the candidate who controls the weather and water... is no other than the heir to the Tsukumo family?", she slowly asked. Aido nodded, as she fell to her knees, and covered her face with her hands.

"I'm so sorry for disturbing you, Lady Shiki-san. My name is Sana Kasamoto, aristocrat who controls the earth, plants, and youth", she said, showing her green gem that hung around her neck with a gold chain. She was trembling as she bowed down to Shiki, who had a deadpanned face.

"It's alright. Just don't ruin other people's property", she said, as Kaname lifted his hand, and all of the structures that were broken, built itself back together. Sana looked at the group in amazement, as they headed back towards the Moon Dorms. 

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