*Chapter 15*

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Chapter 15

Back to School

When I went back to school, I didn't think it would be like this around me. People staring at me watching my every step and asking me if I'm alright like every five seconds. I sometimes hated Demetri and myself for ever having sex.

My teachers are treating me like I can't do anything by myself and it's really pissing me off. Demetri just goes along with it saying I shouldn't stress about it.

"Baby, if you'll stop worrying about the stares and constant nagging will go away"

"I'm not so sure about that" I said pointing to the calendar on Mr. Swartz calendar marking my supposed birth date.

"Well, some people think its cool that someone in their class is having a baby"

"Right now, I'm not so happy about it"

"It's going to be okay"

"If you say so"

"I love your crazy nervous"

"And I love your great negotiation skills"

"They're really something huh"

"Yeah, they get me every time"

"Maybe if you weren't gullible"

"Did you just call me gullible?"

"Yes, but you are"

"No, I'm not and you can stop talking to me for the rest of the day. I will be riding home with April and Rachel today"

"No your not "

"Bet I won't"

"I better see you after gym at our usual spot or I'm going to go find you"

"You better get yourself ready for a chase cause I'm telling Rachel and April after this period to pick me up at the back of the gym"

"You just told me where your going to be"


"Okay see ya there"

I walk to April's locker where her, Angie, and Rachel were talking about their trigonometry homework and told them my plan how I was going to make Demetri think that we're meeting at the back entrance when I'm going to meet them at the front entrance and ride off without him

"That's a good idea. Are you sure your up for it?" April said

"Couldn't be more ready. He called me gullible and nobody calls me that"

"He really pissed you off this time didn't he" Angie said

"Yes! He's getting what he deserves"

"Way to go sister in law" Rachel said

"I know"

I told Christie my brilliant plan during Gym and she said she would be lookout just in case Demetri figures it out.

I said thanks and made my way to the spot where Rachel was suppose to pick me up .Rachel pulled up in her car just as Demetri was coming from the back. I jumped in the car and we went driving off with Demetri running right behind us. Then I saw nothing and it meant that my plan worked. As soon as Demetri got home I was in some deep shit.

I got home and guess who's already there, Demetri, what am I going to do know. I know what run upstairs and got to Rachel's room and lock myself in. I know it won't work cause he could just bust the door down but I've gotta do something so I won't hear him yell at me. Before I could even make it up the first stair he had a hold of my arm pulling me down to his eyes.

"What were you thinking when you did that to me. You could have hurt yourself jumping in the car"

"You pissed me off you should of known this was coming"

"Yeah, but what if you had hurt the baby"

"I'm tired of everybody worrying about the baby. It's fine"

"Yeah but you don't need to be stressing yourself out or doing any strenuous work either"

"Don't tell me what I don't need to be doing. I was there to when the doctor told me how I need to take care of the baby"

"I know but it seems that you keep getting stress"

"Maybe it's because nobody will let me breath"

"What do you mean by that"

"I mean I can't do nothing without someone nagging me about the baby and if I'm okay"

"Well, you seem to need someone watching you because that little stunt could have serious hurt the baby"

"We were taking care of her, Demetri, quit worrying about it" Rachel said

"Yeah, but if something really bad happened. What would you do? You'd freak out and panic and probably have a car wreck"

"You know that she wouldn't do anything to harm Lizzie, she loves her to much." April said

"You don't know that she could end up dying because she lost too much blood or she could lose the baby if she stress herself out too much"

"I know that the doctor told us about the condition so you don't have to worry"

"I do have to worry when she has marginal placenta pervia"

"Don't be mad at Rachel and April for this. It was my idea to do this so be mad at me"

"They don't understand how all this could effect you."

"I'm leaving and going to my dad's"

"Fine. I hope you have a perfect life"

"Demetri, You can't be serious" Regina said

"I'm not but I know that if she goes she'll be back here again"

"That's where your wrong. I never want to speak to you again, Demetri Parker" I said

"Wait! I didn't mean it. Come back!"



"I want to see you on the floor begging me for forgiveness you stupid jerk"

"Please. Please. Forgive me"

" I forgive you"

"Alright, now that that's over with let's start planning your baby shower" Regina said

"Oh joy"

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