(Levi X Reader) Chapter 1- Where it Began

Start from the beginning

The results of what he did weren't something you expected.

After a month of these brutal tests, your back began to ache like crazy. It felt like...like your bones were moving. Another month past, and the pain became unbearable. That was when Garret unstrapped you from the table and brought you into a small cage, one that seemed more fitting for a dog than you. He locked you up there, feeding you scraps of food and painkillers, keeping you attached by the ankles to the concrete wall so you were sure not to escape. After a while, now that you were free to move your limbs, you could reach behind you and feel pointed structures of thin bone and skin protruding from your back, and what seemed like...feathers?

'What on earth did he do to me?!'

Finally, after a full year of testing, injecting, cutting, and pain from your back, your mystery appendages had grown large enough for you to see them. Stretching out the new limbs, you reached them around your body so that you could get a good look.
Shiny, velvety white feathered wings looked back at you, and your eyes widened with a sudden burst of glee. The wings were colored a bright white at the top, but the further down you looked they slowly faded to a faint blue, then to a navy blue, and then at the very tips, a velvety black.

'Wow. Wings.' You thought as you stretched them in and out from your back, testing them out.


Your joy was sliced to bits when you heard the door to your cage room being opened, revealing Garrett holding a sickening smile on his face.

"You're ready."

The vagueness of his statement was enough to make your head spin with worry. Ready for what?
You're questions were cut short by his brooding footsteps, and in a swift and forceful motion he tugged you to your feet, gripping your wrist like a vice as he unlocked your ankles from the wall cuffs, but only for him to handcuff you within a second. He grabbed ahold of your arm and proceeded to tug you along, you struggling to keep up since even though your ankle had healed, it was still incredibly sore.

'Now's my chance to escape!' You thought as you were dragged along. Eyes darting around to scan your surroundings, you noticed the room he was leading you to. Inside laid a surgery table, surrounded by carts covered with several different torture devices and machines. Your will to get out was now stronger than ever.

On the way to the surgery room, you noticed the hallway that lead out to a different direction.

'Make a run for it in 3, 2, 1, GO!'

The second you were in line with the hallway you tugged as hard as you could away from Garrett, ripping his hand away from his hand. Ignoring the burning pain in your ankle, you dashed down the corridor.
You felt as though everything about you had changed. Your legs carried you faster than they ever have before, your eyes scanned your surroundings like a hawk, and your ears took note of every sound around you. You were like a superhuman.


Once again, your brief moment of joy was shattered as you heard the pounding footsteps of your enemies close behind you. In the facility that seemed like a disgusting combination of a prison and a hospital, you took lefts, rights, and hopped up stairs in a desperate attempt to make it out of this place with your life. As you reached the top of what seemed like the hundredth flight of stairs, your eyes met a glorious sight.

A balcony.

'I do have wings, but I don't know how to fly!' You thought frantically, panicking as you tried to decide if you should take the risk.

The banging of boots against the floor made you come to a decision.

With a final sprint, you darted to the balcony, hopping over the barrier and turning around to face Garrett and the guards that had been chasing you. With a final salute goodbye, you let go of the railing and free fell, going for so long until finally you opened your wings so that they carried you up high into the sky.

:Soar: - Levi X Winged!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now