I narrowed my eyes at him, "you're you, James. You could have done anything!"

"James," Sirius sighed, "just heat up the toaster."

"Fine." He grumbled walking to the opposite side of the counter, towards the kitchen appliance. He spent a little over five minutes messing around with the complicated looking object. Finally, when he finished, he came back to my side. "Okay. I started the toaster up."

Sirius started to take the bread and block of cheese to the grilled toasty maker.

"You can't do that!" I exclaimed, quickly taking the block of cheese from Sirius' hands. He had tried to place the entire block on one piece of bread. "We need to cut it first."

"I'll cut it!" James was holding a knife, rather excitedly.

Hesitantly, I handed him the cheese and took a large step away. I was not planning to be cut or even close to be cut.

James rolled his eyes, beginning to cut it into thin slices, he was actually cutting the cheese perfectly. As if he were a pro.

Finally, he knew how to do something right.

"Spread some butter on the bread. That way it'll toast faster." I instructed Sirius.

In ten minutes we were ready to start the process of toasting the bread and melting the cheese. We put the first sandwich together: cheese between two pieces of bread, the butter sides on the outside of the sandwich.

"Alright. Now put it down inside that little indent of the sandwich." I told them. I was standing on my tiptoes, trying to see over Sirius' shoulder and instruct him on what to do. Not the easiest thing to do. Especially when it's a six-foot or taller person I'm trying to look over, and the fact that I'm only five-foot and four-inches.

"I know that." Sirius said, I could almost hear his eyes rolling and the smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

We stood crowded around the machine for a few minutes. Nothing happened. The bread didn't toast, the cheese didn't melt, the sandwich didn't cook.

"Why isn't it working?" I frowned looking at the broken appliance, I was peeking around Sirius' side, trying to see as much as I could.

"How is it broken?" Sirius exclaimed, "we just started using it!" He glared at the object, his anger clear.

"What happened to it?" James questioned, leaning closer to the cooking machine, trying to get a better look.

I reached in between James and Sirius, touching the part that was suppose to be hot and cooking the sandwich.

"No!" Sirius jerked my hand away.

"Let go Sirius," I shrugged his hand away from mine. "It's not even hot. Are you sure you turned it on, James?"

"Yes." James spoke assuredly, "I turned the switch to 'on'. That's how it works."

I sighed, "then why isn't it working?"

We spent another five minutes examining all possible solutions. What could be stopping it from cooking our sandwich? All we wanted was a Grilled Toasty.

"It wasn't even plugged in!" Sirius finally exclaimed, lifting the unplugged in wire for us to see.

"Merlin, James, you're so stupid." I rolled my eyes at him. Sirius plugged the appliance into the outlet.

Suddenly sparks flew everywhere, we were all shocked by the electricity flowing freely around the room. I screamed in surprise, not having expected sparks to shoot out of the outlet. James yelled out, pulling his hand away from the counter and to his chest. Sirius jumped back, yanking his hand from the cord and knocking into me.

I fell over, pushing the bag of flour I had used for this mornings pancakes onto the floor. We landed in a pile on the tiled floor, flour covering my hair. My jaw dropped and I glared hard at Sirius, "I am going to kill you."

He scrambled up, running to the other side of the countertop, flour covering his black tee-shirt. "Gorgeous. I think you should take a deep breath. It was an accident, I didn't do it on purpose."

I spoke slowly, inching towards him. "You got flour in my hair. The only thing I care about, you ruined. My hair is my pride and joy. You just ruined it, I'm going to ruin your face!" I lunged for him, leaping across the counter. I managed to knock utensils over along the way, they clanked to the floor.

Sirius caught me in his arms, we both slammed into the fridge. "Gorgeous," he spoke carefully.

Before he could say anything else, I grabbed a banana and smashed it again this face. It gushed out, the slimy banana goo smearing across his face.

"Oh," he gasped. "It's so on."

I jumped from his arms, running away. A piece of soggy bread sailed past me and hit James. The bread stuck to his cheek, sliding slowly down and landing with a soft plop on the ground. "This means war!" James screamed out.

An all out food war began in the Potter kitchen. Mrs. Potter would have been furious, her glare could have burned holes through us. She would have screamed our ears off. Then she would have made us clean it up.

Luckily, Mrs. Potter wasn't the one to find us throwing food back and forth, screaming profanities at each other, and claiming to kill one another. Unluckily, Remus Lupin was the one who found us throwing food back and forth, screaming profanities at each other, and claiming to kill one another in their sleep.

"What is going on in here?" He bellowed over our very loud screams. We froze in place, slowly turning to face him.

"Remus," I smiled guiltily, "it's great to see you."

"We were just making lunch." Sirius rubbed the back of his neck, smearing butter even further on himself.

"Would you like a Grilled Toasty?" James gently lifted a burnt sandwich from the toasty maker. Throughout the entire food fight, the Grilled Toasty had been cooking, finally burning after not being taken from the burner in time.

The sandwich was pitch black, the cheese was even black. It was the worst sandwich in the history of sandwiches.

Just as Remus was about to speak, the most unwanted person at the moment appeared beside him. Mrs. Potter gaped at the mess, she was glaring at us, her glare burning deeply into each of our skulls.

"Leave. Now. Go upstairs and clean yourselves. Then I want you three to stay away from my kitchen. You'll be lucky if I let you have any lunch."

With a frown, I followed James and Sirius from the room. We silently started up the stairs, going to our rooms. Faintly, as I reached the top of the staircase, I heard Mrs. Potter talking sweetly to Remus, as if she hadn't just been furious.

That was a good sign, right?


Hey guys! So sorry it took me a while to write this chapter. I managed to get sick over the weekend, so I spent my weekend in bed sleeping a lot.
Please comment, vote, share, fan and follow! Thanks so much :)

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