Chapter 6. Let The Games Begin

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As i saw her walking away from me the one thing going through my mind was how to get her, i'll show her she needs me, let the games begin.

"Hey Bro!" Kyle said running up to me.

"Yeah?" I asked a bit impatient.

"Abby's here" Kyle said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Great" I said sarcastically running a hand though my hair.

"What's up with you bro?" Kyle said catching my mood.

"Nothing, lets just go back to the welcome party" I said and started to make my way back.

We walked back into the pack house, I could smell her exhilerating scent but there was no sight of her. I followed her scent up the stairs ignoring the calls of my friends from behind me. I walked straight down the hall to the last door on the left, where he scent was strongest. I heard her on the phone to someone crying.

"I want to come back to you guys, i dont like it here" She whispered down the phone.

I heard muffling on the other end.

"I know, I know im being pathetic, im stronger than this. Listen what are you's doing tonight?" She said.

More muffling on the other end.

"Ok cool, i'll be there" She sniffled.

She paused while the other person was talking.

"Haha yeah, they got me a car, probably trying to win me over, they gave me and my brothers the old house too, I already miss it, i'll try like this place for them but if they think I'm leaving my old friends behind they have to be crazy" She scoffed.

She paused again, hearing the response.

"Ok, the car is beautiful i have to admit, here i have to go i'll see you later at around 1am ok?" She said sounding happier.

"Haha ok, love you sis" She laughed at he response and hung up.

I waited a few seconds and knocked on the door.

"Come in" Her angelic voice replied.

I walked in and smiled sheepishly.

"May i help you?" My mate asked rolling her eyes.

"I, I uhh wanted to apologise again" I said.

"Look, Its fine really, its just I'm here a few hours, a whole new place i never knew of. Its alot to take in, i just want to go hang out with my friends, i need to take all of this in" She sighed.

"Yeah, I get what you're saying, I'm here if you need a friend" I said and smiled even though it killed me to say the word friend.

"Thanks" She replied smiling softly.

"So you gonna go back down and face the party or do you want to leave this place for a while with me?" I asked hopeful.

"Where are you planning?" She said smiling after thinking about it for a few minutes.

"It's a surprise" I smiled.

"I hate surprises" She pouted.

"Just come on" I laughed and grabbed her hand. The touch of her causing sparks to move around my whole body.

"Fine" She said in a daze.

I led her out to the car with no questions asked and opened the passenger door for her before moving around to open my own.

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