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My mouth dropped open as I stared at Dole. How was he here? Wasn’t he supposed to be in jail? He was wearing normal clothes, jeans and a plain white shirt. He wasn’t in jail clothes and he didn’t look different at all, besides having shorter hair than before. This must have been Kyle’s business.

“Hello Kelly.” Dole said with a smirk.

“H-how are you out?” I asked, still in shock from seeing him again.

At Gary’s house, he was good but right now I had a feeling he wasn’t good anymore. Why was he here? Just when I think things can’t get any worse, this happens. How was I going to escaped when there were three guys here? I thought two guys were almost impossible, and now I have another one to deal with.

The last time I had seen Dole, it was at his court trial. He looked so devastated and defeated there but now he was happy and was obviously enjoying his freedom. If he was really bad again, what would he do? Robbins had told me about the love letter Dole had written about her and that he was in love with her. Would he do something to Robbins? I couldn’t let that happen.

“Who the hell is this?” Kayden spoke, staring at Dole.

“This was my business. This is Jake Dole, my partner from a year ago.” Kyle said for the first time in being in the house.

“Shit.” I cursed under my breath. Dole and Kyle had to be partners again and I was going to be screwed. I would never escape now.

“Kelly, don’t use that language.” Kyle scolded but it resulted in my rolling my eyes at him. I could say whatever I wanted too.

“So you helped him escape?” I asked, talking to Kyle.

“Yes, and I think it was easier the second time around.” He smirked as he walked over to the chair I was sitting in.

 Kyle forced me out of the chair and sat down in it, laughing as he did. I tried to fight him but obviously, he knew my moves by now and was also stronger than me. I crossed my arms and stared at him. Why did he just take my seat? I noticed Dole had went and sat down on the couch with Kayden. Now the only place to sit would be between Kayden and Dole. Kyle smirked at me, when I realized where I would have to sit. I wasn’t going to sit before them too. I was still pissed at Kayden for everything and he honestly, scared me. Then there was Dole, who I didn’t even want to look at right now, let alone sit next to him.

“You can sit on my lap.” Kyle said, patting his thighs.

“Yeah right.” I muttered.

“It’s with me or in between Kayden and Dole.” He said, nodding towards the two guys. I really didn’t want to sit with either of his options.

“And if I just don’t sit?” I asked.

“Well, you don’t have a choice right now, unless you want Landon to get hurt.” He threatened.

How dare he threaten Landon like that? I couldn’t let him get hurt though. I would never forgive myself if he ended up like everyone in my life. I couldn’t lose another person in my life, I would seriously lose it.

I sighed loudly and knew that I wanted to be nowhere near Dole right now, so I awkwardly, sat down on Kyle’s lap. Without even looking at Kyle, I knew he had a huge smirk on his face. He really made me mad sometimes. I crossed my arms and leaned backwards, against Kyle, hating the warmth of his body against mine.

“Uncross your arms; you’re too cute when you’re mad.” He whispered in my ears.             He chuckled softly when I quickly uncrossed my arms. He made me sick to my stomach. Why did he think he could just treat me like this? Oh, wait he could do anything because he had Landon as bait. I honestly wished I hadn’t gotten involved with Landon now because of this. If he was hurt or even killed, it would be my fault.

Life As I Knew It (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now