Chapter 24- Liam- A Deadly Game Of Tag

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Zayn only nodded and took one of the pieces in his hand and concentrated on it. There was a horrible hissing sound as Zayn's hand heated up and the metal started to glow an angry red. In less than a minute, the dark skinned superhero had melted his half of the staff to a molten substance. It dripped through his fingers and sizzled onto the ground. By this point, Niall looked completely crushed as he watched his favorite weapon be destroyed.

Zayn only gave Niall a small apologetic look similar to Liam's before stepping back into his spot next to Harry and Louis. Niall looked from Zayn to Liam to Simon while Zayn absentmindedly picked cooling metal from his skin.

“Here, Niall,” Simon said, pulling something out of his pocket and handing it to the boy. “To replace it.”

Niall looked down at the small metal object. Liam fought off the urge to scoff at it. The thing was less than a foot long! There was no way it was going to replace Niall's weapon!

“What the hell is this?” Niall demanded angrily.

“Twist it,” Simon told him simply.

Niall's eyes hardened, but he did as he was told, taking the pathetic piece of metal in his hands and giving it a grudging twist. There was a metallic click from the weapon and a stunned gasp from the rest of the boys as either end of the staff shot out and elongated in a remarkable resemblance of the one Niall once owned.

“Whoa!” Niall breathed, almost dropping it with surprise.

Simon gave the boy a smile that was almost smug and nodded. “Give it a try.”

Niall examined the staff for a moment before turning it hand over hand in a slow circle. He quickly picked up the pace and soon it was a metallic blur, singing ominously through the air. Niall reached up and grabbed the top of it to stop it quickly.

“Nice,” He said, admiring it thoughtfully. He twisted his wrist so it was parallel to the ground and he balanced it in his palm. “It's lighter,” He said appreciatively, bobbing it a couple times to test the weight.

“And it's virtually indestructible,” Simon told him. “Liam,” He said, nodding to the muscular boy.

Liam and Niall both hesitated. Liam, because he was afraid to break it, and Niall, because he didn't want to see it broken again. Niall nervously handed it over and Liam nervously took it. Liam gripped the staff like he had done with the old one and shot Niall an anxious look before trying to bend it.

Key word: try.

The thing had a lot of resistance to it and Liam had to try harder before Simon lifted his hand, telling him to stop.

Liam grinned and handed it back to a wide eyed Niall.

“Zayn,” Simon said.

Niall smiled a toothy smile before giving the staff over to Zayn. Zayn smirked and took it. “Give it a go, Zayn,” Niall encouraged. “I wanna see this,”

Zayn tried to melt the staff, but he couldn't. His hands were glowing red, but the metal didn't even spark. Zayn let out a breath and held it up to examine it. “Sick,” Zayn said mostly to himself. The shiny surface wasn't even dulled from the heat. Zayn spit on the part where his heated hands had been. “It's not even hot...” He said, amazed. The boy handed it back to Niall.

“And there's one more surprise,” Simon informed the blonde. He took the staff and held it close to Niall's face. “See this?” He asked, pointing to the very center. Niall and the rest of the boys leaned in a little closer to get a better look.

“Yeah, sorta,” Niall said.

Liam squinted and saw what he was talking about. There was a small split in the very middle of the weapon, almost like a hairline fracture. It circled neatly, telling him that it was made that way.

I'll Be Superhuman (One Direction Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें