Chapter 18 : The Secret of the Past

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She suddenly handed out my Captain suite out of nowhere and gestured me to wear it.

My mouth was opening widely as I stared at her. She giggled and waved her hand at me.

"Try it on!" she cheerfully said.

"Is this mine? No, was this mine?" I curiously asked as I unveiled the suit.


"Follow me, this is the Weaponry Chamber."

Random weapons appeared in front of me, floating in thin air. She opened her mouth and spoke.

"Pick one that fits you the most." Her sweet voice tickled my ears.

I was confused. I never really had any experience with weaponry. Or so I thought.

I scratched my messy hair as I reached out for the bow.

"Why did you pick the bow?"

"I don't know. . . I was just-"

"- it's fine. I was just curious," she shrugged as she slowly marched to the door, "and I'm sure you'll need some practice. Handling a bow is no simple matter. Head over to the meadow and you may target the red trees, but please don't damage the one across the pond."

"I got it. Thank you. . ."

"I'll meet you on the willow tree across the pond in two hours. Good luck!" she spoke as she headed for the door.

I quickly ran to the meadow. I inhaled deeply and lifted my bow, aiming for an old tree accross me. I kept practicing for a few hours before my knees finally gave up.

"Phew. . . this thing is killing me. . ." I muttered as I reached out for a glass of water, but before I managed to do so, my body collapsed on its own, bumping roughly against the grass.


"Hello, Lydia! Welcome to the Inter-Galactic Soldiers! I heard that you were the highest scoring newbie, show me what you got!"

I smiled timidly and threw out a bunch of coins to the air. As he looked up, I quickly pulled out my gun and shot the coins. Clasping them as each of them fell down. I stretched out my fingers and cocked out the perfectly hollowed coins. He clapped in amusement and led me to the training ground.

"Wow. . . you're amazing! By the way I'm going to be your guide this evening as I will tour you around Zone 1."

"Pleased to meet you. . .I'm Lydia-"

"-your Squad Captain, will lead you throughout the training. You may not disobey or even talk back to the old man. Besides, I don't think you've even got the nerve to look at him face to face."

I snickered, "Want to bet on it?"

My thoughts were in disorder as a cold looking man dusted his suit while walking towards me, bumping into me as he tried walking past me, his cold gaze straight into my eyes as he opened his mouth.

"Lydia. . .Lydia. . .Lydia. . ." the guide shouted.

"What's wrong?!" I gasped.

"You might want to bow down to your Squad Captain?" He said while coughing, pulling me to bow down.

I turned my head in horror. I quickly lowered my head and froze solid in front of the captain.

He scoffed.

"She a newbie in here?" the cold man shrugged.

"Yes, sir!" I roughly replied.

I didn't want anyone to notice my inferior towards the Captain. Besides, he was also a Sergeant in training.

We have the same badge. Why should I be scared of him? I thought.

"Listen newbie, we've got three rules
One, always bow down to your seniors. Two, always stay awake. Three, never keep secrets.
Are we clear?"

"Crystal." I replied.

He presumed his stroll around the field and soon enough encountered another soldier, scolding the poor newbie harshly.

I turned back to the boy and scoffed loudly.

"Are seniors in here such jerks?"

"Well, it depends. Our new squad leader is one of the best rookies in training. That's why he's a bit cocky and cold."

"Well guess what? I'm looking forward to kick that so called captain's stinky butt on tomorrow's survival game."

"Good luck with that!"

"We'll see." I replied as I left for my room.

-End of Chapter 18-

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