"Rishab, let me tend your injury first... Otherwise it will scar badly."

"Forget about my hand, Madhu." He said lying back on the bed taking her with him. She balanced her weight on her elbows and knees and sat up on his lap.

"Please." She pulled him up to sit again. "Then promise me you won't cry all over again when you tend my burns. I really lose my mind when I see you cry and I unnecessarily shout at you which I regret later."

"I am used to your shouting so don't worry." She said and without getting up from his lap she stretched her hand and took the ointment tube from the bedside table. He sighed and let her tend him. She applied the ointment very meticulously not hurting him. Her eyes stung with unshed tears but they feared to slip out as two blazing eyes were closely scrutinizing her bead of tears.

"Stop staring at me. I am not going to cry." She scolded him. He chuckled and kissed her eyes and the tears escaped from the bay.

"See, your tears ditched you." He teased her. She glared at him and wiped her wet cheeks with the back of her hand and breathed sharply.

"So what now?" She asked.

"Whatever you want? Sleep or sex?" He asked haughtily.


"What?" He asked furrowing his brows. "Well, that wasn't in my option" he said as he realized what truth she wanted to know.

"It's your turn to be honest with me. I feel like you are keeping me in the dark by not telling me anything which concerns me... um... concerns us!"

"I am just protecting you, Madhu."

"I am not a child"

"I am aware of that." He said nuzzling her boobs.

"I want to know what's happening around me which goes unnoticed by me." She asked bunching his hair in her fist and lifting his face off her boobs.

"So you want me to tell what happened to Sultan?" He asked guessing where she was heading with the topic. "Exactly! Why you didn't tell me about his death? How he died? Who killed him?"

"I... I only killed him."

"I am not surprised much. I guessed it the moment I saw the satisfied smirk playing on your face when you told me he was dead in the morning in car."


"Now tell me where and when?"

"Well, this time you will surely get surprised... Nah, you will get shocked if I say where and when" He said smirking devilishly. She didn't reply, just waited for him to continue.

"Very recently I finished him off..."

"When exactly? The time I was in hospital?" She asked biting her bottom lip.


"Rishab, c'mon tell me. Stop making me guess. This suspense is killing me." She said exasperated.

"When I took you to the trip... to the forest. There I killed him the night you got drunk and I confessed my love to you." He said in one breathe. She gaped at him open mouth. To tell she was shocked would be an understatement. She was beyond horrified. In their romantic almost like a honeymoon trip her husband killed a killer?

"I can't believe this..." She uttered meekly once he gently pushed her jaw up and closed her mouth.

"You took me there... Shit, I thought..." she covered her mouth as she couldn't vocalize anything.

Book I - Husband, I Love You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now