Im A Nobody - Chapter 15

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Mitchell's p.o.v

I whimpered in pain. "Ben?" I opened one of my eyes slowly, hissing as light assaulted the iris.

There was a pause, then a sniffle. "I'm here. You gave William a bloody nose, and a black eye, though," I could hear the smile in his voice. He was proud of me. "How the hell are you alive, they hit you with a branch yesterday."

Forcing my eyes open, I gasped when I noticed I was back at the Crescents. They couldn't hurt me no more. I inhaled shakily, reaching up to my neck, and grabbing where Clay's necklace was supposed to be. "Where is it!" I nearly screamed, shooting myself up into a sitting position. Easily ignoring the pain the lapsed in my lower abdomen,  head, and back. "I need the necklace to save him."

"Who? What? Its here," Ben managed, placing Clay's necklace in my open palm. Sighing in relief, I laid back down, putting on the necklace, and turning away from Ben. I don't want to see the look of disgust in his eyes. "Look at me please," Ben placed his hand on my back, but I didn't turn around, instead I just leaned into his touch.

"I cant. . . It just hurts."

"What hurts? Are you hurt physically?" I shook my head. No. I was hurt mentally. I was degraded, forced to be a slut. I'm dirty, tainted. "Can you tell me what happened?" Ben climbed beside me on the cot, wrapping an arm around me.

"How come?" I just want to coil into a ball, and cry.

"How come what?"

"How come your not disgusted?"

"Its hard to be disgusted with something as beautiful as you." His comment brought tears to my eyes. That is the most stupidest lie someone has ever said. Me. Beautiful?

Ben sighed, nuzzling my hair. "Stop, I stink," I grunted. I've been caged up for the last couple of days.

"Shut up," He mumbled, pulling away so he could run a hand down the side of my body. "Do you want to tell me?"

 Biting my lip, I turned around. Why does he want to know? "OK." I breathed out gently, moving myself closer to Ben.

Smiling gently, he tightened his arms around me. "Just take your time."

Nodding, I prolonged the explanation with a pause. "When. . . When they took me," I brought my hand up to wipe my eyes, "I was put in this car with a boy. . . He looked like seven maybe eight, he was short." I sniffled, "Apparently he worked with me, when I was there, his name was. . . Clay," I held the necklace, "He told me they did way more illegal stuff ever since the original house owner died, and," I inhaled, "They took Clay somewhere, and left me in the cell place. But he got brought back, because Clay wouldn't let him touch him, so he ended up down there with me," I wiped my eyes, tears leaking out, "They tried to make me. . . Rape him," I bursted out in tears, and Ben rubbed my back soothingly, "But I told them, I wouldnt, and he made him watch me when they. . . When they touched me."

Ben fell silent.

"He wants to become a math professor," I hesitantly continued, praying he wasn't upset with me. "They took away our clothes and we had to stay in the basement, he wanted to die, too. I promised him I'd come back, I promised him I wouldnt leave him. I always hurt people, maybe I deserve to die alone."

"No, no you dont," He placed his hands on both sides of my face, "Dont think like that," Ben's lip quivered slightly before he sat up, and  wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. "Im going to get you checked out OK?" I nodded, pushing my face i his chest, "I trust you. . . Just the others. I found my uncle. He has a medical scholar-ship. I would like it if we could go see him soon, it doesnt have to be today. . . But soon, I want to make sure you are alright. He is not a slave. He said he would buy me if I wanted him too. . ." He gave me a small squeeze the exact moment my heart squeezed painfully. Ben was going to be taken from me, right as I found someone who cares for me.

I just replied with a nod, clutching his shirt with my fists. I didn't want to respond to his uncle buying him, but it would be nice to get checked out. I never thought of getting anything checked out. It hasnt passed my mind. I could be carrying a deadly disease, though, and I could pass it on to Ben if we ever do anything.

I dont think I could live with myself if I hurt him.

"Tell me more about Clay," Ben pursed his lips against my forehead, pulling me down on the bed with him.

"He has black hair, sparkling blue eyes, hes short, twelve years old, and he has malnutrition," A tear rolled down my face, and threw myself into another round of tears.


Written: 2012-02-21

Edited: December 30/2013

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