Just Another 'Hello' in the Halls

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Here's the deal. I'm not interested in you. Not anymore. I knew saying something would fuck EVERYTHING up. But we were always honest. I guess this time I should have kept my big mouth shut eh? No, what hurts the most is you choosing her over me. Can't you see she's a manipulative liar? You know she likes you, despite her dating your best friend. You don't discourage her. You allow her to sit on you lap, to kiss your cheek. You aren't who you used to be. Maybe you never were that person. I'll be cordial. You won't have to worry about me, ha, as if I pass through your thoughts, bitching either of you out. But I sincerely hope she hurts you. Seems to be the slap in the face you need. Oh, no I won't be there to say "I told you so". No, I won't be there at all.

Why would I be? It hurt. I wanted... Im not sure what I wanted. I'm not that unrealistic that I thought that this would be the perfect start to the love story. "  'We were friends in high school', you would say to our kids your eyes twinkling". No, I was not a delusional freak. I wanted us to be friends for a long time. I'm not taking the blame anymore. You did this. I wish I could honestly say that my heart wasn't affected, but you had made your place there. Now I scratched out any trace of you. Leaving me raw and wounded. I've never had a friend just dump me like that.  You left me less willing to trust people. To care about people as deeply. 

Maybe, soon, I'll stop caring. I won't show you the pain. You will just be another "hello" in the halls. 

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