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Smiling brightly with a mouth of lead,
Trying to talk with no words said.
Raven hair dotted with ink,
  Skin colored a tannish pink.
      Irises like sparkling chocolate emeralds,
A face perfect like statue molds.
A masculine aura with a heart underneath,
A magnificent brain never obsolete.
As a sad smile rose to my lips,
I realized this wasn't all that he is.
        His looks are there, but his mind is not.
         It's running around and screaming a lot.
         Flaws go haywire and break and ruin, Anything and everything this creature is doing.
        I made him this way, the fault is mine,
     I should have given him a light to shine.
       Selfish was I for I made him me,
        A disgusting excuse for a human being.
I wanted a companion who know what I felt,
Who had hardships and struggles in which I dealt.
They say misery loves company, and I thought it true.
But now I want happy instead of blue.
His beautiful picture is smudged with eye leak,
The longer I look, his smile grows weak.
I heard him talk as I fell to my knees,
"Don't ruin what we have, I'm begging you, please."

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