She is dead to him

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Pic of Marissa------>

                                                            She is dead to him


I died. I think. My body wouldn’t move, I couldn’t open my eyes, it was like they were plastered together. I felt dizzy. I felt pain. I felt heartache. I could only imagine what my parents were thinking. My family was, most likely, in hysterics. I needed them to know I was okay. Was I okay? I couldn’t know for sure. Calvin! I need to see him! I hope he’s okay. He was with me when we crashed. He was driving, I was in the passenger seat. We were talking, laughing about stupid things that would mean nothing to a stranger but meant everything to me. We were on the way to a movie, the theater was two streets away. We were at a red light. It turned green so he drove out into the intersection. A drunk driver came out of nowhere, smashing into the passenger side. The side where I was sitting. Everything went black.

Marissa(Janie’s mom):

“Oh, my baby!” Marissa screamed when she arrived at the crash site. Tears streamed down her, and her husbands, face. John hugged her and cried with her. Marissa felt guilt wash over her. She had told them to go to a movie, she was getting tired of them always just sitting on the couch watching TV, and they should go out and be kids, she told them to go have fun. They argued saying just sitting on the couch and being with each other was fun. They didn’t need to go anywhere; they would always have a good time just as long as they were with each other. Marissa cried harder.

The paramedics hoisted Janie onto a stretcher and wheeled her away. Calvin was on a stretcher next to her. The medics put the couple into different ambulances and were driven away. Marissa and John followed in a car behind them.

When they arrived at the hospital, both Calvin and Janie were sent into surgery. An anxious four hours passed, Calvin was the first to emerge. Marissa and John rushed up the wheelchair that held Calvin captive in it. They asked him how he was, what happened, and a ton of other questions. He slowly answered,


“I’m fine,” Calvin said sincerely, he really did feel better. “We had a green light and this car came of nowhere and hit us. Where is Janie?” They told him she was still in surgery. He hoped she was okay. He wished it was him in her place. He wanted to take away her pain, take away anything that might harm her. He loved her. And he never told her. If Janie died today, he would never get the chance to tell her. The thought made him cry. John asked if he was okay and Calvin told him he was fine, that he just needed a minute alone. With a sympathetic look, they left for the cafeteria. He cried harder. She meant everything to him. And he might have to live without her.

Janie’s parents had been gone only a few minutes before they rushed back in. “Calvin…” He looked up at the sound of Marissa’s voice. “She didn’t…she just…no….she didn’t make it, honey.” Marissa had an endless stream of tears coming from her eyes. So did Calvin. This had to be the worst moment in his whole entire life. Janie’s gone. She’s dead.


My eyes opened slowly. Where am I? Why is everything so white? What am I laying on? What happened? Did I die? I just kept asking questions, in my head of course, since I couldn’t open my mouth for some reason. My mom and dad burst into the room looking so happy to see me. I was happy to see them. They ran up and hugged me as gently as they could with joyfulness over spilling at the brim. I tried opening my mouth and it slowly peeled apart. My lips tasted nasty, as if my mouth had been soaked in a chemical. “Hi mom, dad!” I smiled at them brightly. “Where’s Calvin?” Mom’s happy face slid off into a sad look.

“Well, sweetheart. He left already.” Dad told me, sorrowfully.

“He didn’t want to see me?” I asked, disappointed.

“He..well…why don’t we talk about him later? Lets talk about you! How are you feeling?” Mom said, trying to change the subject.

“No. Tell me now. Why didn’t Calvin come in to see me?”

My mom and dad exchanged a sorry look. “Well we, um sort of, told him you died.”

“WHAT?!?!?” I was furious with them, why would they do that to me? “Why!?!?!?”

“Well, er, we signed a contract. We, meaning us and you, aren’t allowed to tell anyone about the new you. Well, Sadie knows, but we had to tell her because she, well, Sadie is Sadie.” Mom said nervously.

“What do you mean knew me?” I asked curiously.

Right then my doctor walked in, “The new you, your old body died in the crash but we managed to preserve your brain long enough to transfer it into another teenage girl’s body, who had an aneurysm that caused severe brain damage, she couldn’t live and you wouldn’t have either. But because of her, we were able to save you.” He said with a smile on his face. ‘What kind of sick, twisted person would be happy about this? A girl died! And I stole her body? Oh my goodness. What do I look like now?’ I grabbed at the mirror on the desk next to me. I held it up to my face and screamed. I was…beautiful?

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